Easy like church love

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"Reverend Holt is going to be so happy that you're at church." Anissa said and I smiled as I walked out the room and went to Tessa room. It didn't feel right faking like I was happy with how Anissa's been acting. She's been keeping secrets, lying, and being rude to people. Once I made it to Tessa room I got dressed then went downstairs to make breakfast.

"Good Morning Sis." Tessa said smiling at me "Good Morning Sir." I said smiling like an evil demon child while looking at her making breakfast. Anissa walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Good Morning Mrs. Ledarda I mean Ms. Pierce." Tessa said smirking and I rolled my eyes and smirked. Anissa giggled then spoke "Good Morning Tess?"

"Good Morning Sis sis!" Jen said and I looked at her smiling "Morning Sis sis, how did you sleep?" I asked sitting down on the stool then she sat next to me and spoke.
" I slept great what kinda beds do you own their amazing." I giggled and Tessa chimed in "That's what she said." I gave Tessa a look then she apologized.

"Time to eat kids." Tessa said over the intercom as she put our plate in front of us and I began eating "Your a great cook." Nissa and Jen said and I smiled "Thank you I taught her." I said and Tessa and I laughed.

"I took breakfast to your parents hope that was ok. Their attending church with us too" Tessa said to Anissa and Jen then they thanks her and nodded.

At Church

"I see my favorite person out in the audience, Larien will you please stand up?" Reverend Holt asked and once I stood I heard mumbling and a couple gasp just like last time. Everyone smiled at me and began to clap.

"I'm glad I got to see my favorite celebrity in the church today. We'll talk more after the service." Reverend Holt said and I sat down smiling.

"See even though Lovely Smith is a celebrity she still knows who is the biggest A-lister in the building is and she doesn't let being in the hood stop her from seeing gods plan! Yall thought I ain't know about drake huh?" The pastor said and Jen looked at me I smiled then she smiled back.

"She understands no matter how big you are you still have to return home to your father and let him lead you to greater things! The 100 ain't keeping her from her one true home! An that's our theme for today HOME!"

"See can I get a little deep Lovely ?" He asked and I nodded my head"Come on Rev!" I said and everyone looked at me."See home is where your heart is, not where your clothes and bags are but your heart. And who should always be in your heart? THAT'S RIGHT, GOD! He is the true protector and healer! He will deliver you but you got to let him into your home! How can you let your greenlight cousin into your home but not your father? See we bout to get deep up in the church today!" Reverend Holt said and Anissa looked at me.

"PREACH REV!" I said and he smiled "See that's why Lovely is my favorite, she understands when god is home you cant be as quiet as a church mouse." Reverend Holt was about to continue preaching but the church doors swung open.

The 100 looked at me walking with their guns out "GIVE US LOVELY SMITH AND NO ONE GETS HURT! Well, maybe one person." a guy said smirking. I swallowed the pending pill and walked out into the aisle with my hands up "No one has to get hurt."

I said then the guy hit me and I hit him with a two piece causing him to fall to the floor. "Look I'll go willingly but don't put your hands on me cause my mama ain't raise no h-" I paused cause I realized I was still in church. Two guys got behind me then told me to walk forward and I did as told.

Tessa P.O.V

"Someone needs to call Saint Lovely!" Reverend Holt said and all I could think was Saint Lovely was here and now she's gone. The Pierce family and I began walking outta the church and people followed. Reverend Holt and some others stayed back to pray and trust me we need all the prayer we can get.

Lariens Home

"What's going on?" Sara asked looking at us all confused. "Larien has been taken." I said and everyone ran to get changed.

Well all except the pierce family cause they were already dressed. Minutes later the team came back as I was setting up the computers and coms. "So what's the plan?"

Alex asked, "Yea Lovely has always been there for us so now it's time to return the favor." Oliver said looking at us. "Lovely sent out a distress signal so I was able to pin their location." I said

"Gambi, Iris, Felicity, Tessa, Alena and I will stay back while the rest of you guys go canvas the area and get Lovely to safety. Jen you're staying here with us." Mrs. Pierce said and I disagreed.

"Actually I'm going out there to get my sister back." I said and the entire Pierce family looked at me confused.

"Look we get your scared and you want to help but we can't worry about you and try to save Lovely at the same time. I'll get her out just fine without her identity being blown." Anissa said and I looked at her then I walked over to Lovely's punching bag.

I did the fighting combat Lovely taught me. Then I shot sum arrows how Oliver taught me. I shot three different guns the same way Lovely does and they looked at me.

"If anything I would be more worried about you guys. I wouldn't be working with Lovely if I wasn't more than capable of protecting myself and our family." I said as I went to get changed. When I came back out everyone was ready and in position.

We made our ways to the location then I used my x-ray vision glasses. "Thank you guys again for helping me." I said to everyone over the com "No problem, were family." Everyone said and I smiled.

"Team Flash and Supergirl secure the area; Legends, Team Della and J'onn make sure no one gets out or in. Team Arrow, Alex and Lightning squad you guys are with me on the inside." I said and we all went our separate ways.

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