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"My two partners are Anissa and Della cause for some reason they love trouble." Lovely said as she went upstairs. "Well guess it's time to" Felicity said "SUIT UP!" Oliver said finishing Felicity sentence.They looked at each other then smirked and the team went to get dressed

Lovely's Room

I was in my room walking around in a Bra and Thong when my door swung open. "So we wa-" Sara stopped speaking and the entire team just stood there looking at my half naked body. I turned around and screamed  "WHYYY."  as I slammed the door shut with my mind.

"Nice cheeks Lovely." Sara and Rory said and I rolled my eyes "Go away and didn't I hear Oliver say "SUIT UP!" I said and everyone disbursed. This family is sooo annoying I swear they are but I can't help but love them!

In the car

"Ok Della has been working at the shop for a while so she's kinda good with them." Alex said "I only got the job cause they said I look like Lovely Smith." Della said and I smirked "Lovely your going in for an interview as Tasia."  Alex said then Jen spoke "Won't they know who she is?"

"No, Lovely can control everyone's mind around the area to make them think they see someone else." Alex said then supergirl chimed in "Yea she can even control the technology around her to do the same." "Ok let's get to work." Sara said walking into the mom and pop shop.

After some of the other unrecognizable team mates walked in I did the same. "Hi I'm here for my interview." I said "Ight what's yo name?"Della asked who was going by the name Stacy.

An before i could speak Anissa came into the shop waring a name tag that said Toya. "You know you late right?" Stacy said and I looked at them "Yea but he won't trip we got a deal going on." Toya said and I looked confused i mean no one told me Anissa was going to be here.

"My name is Tasia, John is expecting me." I said and Stacy nodded."Addem let Mr. John know Tasia is here." she said and he waved for me to follow him so I did. Once I made it through the back all I saw was drugs then finally it was two tupac and Biggie looking dudes. "Mr and John this is Tasia, Tasia this is Mr and John." I was shook I mean how weird could this get?

Back to Reality

I woke up confused and on the floor in my ice room "You overheated in the van before we could start the mission but somehow was controlling and using your powers through Mrs. Pierce." Della said and I looked at her confused and Della continued to speak "Maybe we are actually related somehow."

I looked around at everyone and they were smirking. "Mr.Pierce is highly upset with you but Mrs.Pierce is excited." Barry said and I looked at the both of them and smiled trying to get myself outta trouble. I began to stand up trying to catch my balance.

"Did the mission go well?"  I asked Then Mrs.Pierce spoke "Yes it was a success and I enjoyed myself but next time ask to use my body, ok Love?" She said and I nodded as she kissed my cheek.

"No you endangered my wife and somehow took away her freewill again!" Mr.Pierce said and I looked down "Again it was an accident I didn't know I had that power. Maybe I should just go back to Saint Louis and leave the Pierce family alone forever." I said leaning on the wall a little sad "Lovely your on fire." Iris said and Barry put me out.

"Thank Barr." I said "No problem Lovely." he responded, "Maybe I should just stay away from everyone cause it's obvious I'm a safety hazard and at any moment I can become unLucky." I said Vamp speeding away.

Lovely's P.O.V

I was finally back home after speeding away earlier and everyone was gone after the big fight. I finally had my house to myself, Tessa was out with the pierce family doing god knows what. An I was just getting out of the shower. I turned the music up louder and began getting dressed in some red lingerie. STELLA HAD HER GROOVE BACK I said in my head.

I was twerking in my room to "Wreck" by 1playy and Tiffany Foxx when my stomach growled. I finished dancing then pushed a button to let the music play all over the house. "Sin city remix" was playing and I started feeling myself. I went down to the kitchen and made me a full course meal.

Once It was ready I took it to the Movie room on a moveable try as I walked into the movie room I realized I had uninvited guests."What are yall doinggg here?" I asked looking at Sara, Alex, Felicity, Iris, and Anissa confused. I looked down to put a movie in then I looked back up and Della was standing there. They didn't say anything so I asked the question again then Della spoke. "It's my fault."

I looked at her and shook my head "why am I not surprised?" I said then they smirked and began giggling." An what is so funny?" I asked and they just looked at my body smirking. Then I covered up my body.

"I'm turning on chucky so if you don't wanna watch leave now!" I yelled at them in a playful voice then I turned the lights off as I wrapped my body up in my blanket. Then myself and my moveable try went to my seat and sat down.

Once I sat in my seat everyone arranged their self accordingly making sure Anissa was sitting next to me. I didn't even look at her and to be honest I don't even remember why I was mad but I had to trust that it was for a good reason, right?

The further we got into the movie the closer she moved and eventually her head was on my shoulder and I was holding her hand. I mean how could you stay mad at her for so long it was impossible.

"I just want to let you know early during that little meltdown you and my dad had you said you should leave my family alone but that wasn't us breaking up." Anissa said then she kissed my cheek and continued watching the movie.

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