Something different

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I was sitting down hoping Larien would call but she didn't. It's been 24 hours and no text or call, she just left two days ago and I'm already being ignored. I'm not clingy but I really wanna know how she is. This long distance thing is something different for me, it's something new.

I was sitting in the teacher's lounge when my dad walked in. "Hey, how's everything going Ms. Pierce?" He said and I chuckled "I'm fine just a little bit lonely." I said looking like a kid who's lost their toy. "How are you?" I asked hoping he could take my mind off my problem.

"I'm fine, some of the students showed me Saint Lovely's Instagram page. She's pretty active in her community besides saving it. They also showed me Lovely Smith album cover its dope!" I looked at him then the ground.

"Really I didn't know I haven't been on Instagram in a while." I said knowing I was just stalking her page.

"Yea the album has her on it with some of her friends." He said

"Yea I like how Tess and Saint Lovely outfits match and so does Brooklyn and Mia's. She did well adding all the colors to her outfit without making them clash." I said and he looked at me "I never said who was on the cover and I never said what they were wearing. Anissa, have you been stalking her page?"

I looked down and tried to ignore him and the fact that I just snitched on myself. He stood there waiting for me to answer him and after a minute I mumbled the answer. "Just a little bit." I said and he sat next to me. He pulled me close to him and I laid my head on him.

"She'll call, you just have to be patient enough to wait but not patient enough to where you're waiting by the phone for her to call." He said and it made sense, then he spoke again "Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?" I nodded then the bell rung "Guess I better get to my class." I said as I hugged him

At Dinner

"How's life?" Jen asked me and I said nothing, then I spoke "It's fine I'm just taking dads advice. Just trying to be the bait and not the fishermen." everyone looked at me "It's something I heard Larien say during a stakeout." I said and they smiled.

"What does that even mean?" Jen said and I smiled cause I get to explain it like Larien did. "So fishermen sit and wait for the fish to come onto the line. While the bait is either trying to get off the line or is just enjoying itself in the water Buttt that's only if the bait is alive. If the bait is dead then it's just there flowing in the water not knowing what is going on." I said and everyone looked at me.

"Props for originality." Mom said and I giggled "And I think when Jen asked how's life. She was asking about your love life instead of just your life." I looked at dad then fake smiled "Well were fine nothing happened she just hasn't talked to me since she told me she made it home." I said looking like a disappointed little kid.

"She sent you subs on ig though." Jen said smirking "What her album cover?" I asked and Jen rolled her eyes "No I'm talking about her caption sis it said, "I been robbed of joy but when I'm with you it fills that void!" "Story of my life I was a drug dealer found healing now I'm a Love dealer!" Jen looked at me and smiled "When did she post that?" I asked looking confused and kinda happy.

"She put it on her insta story." "Woww and sometimes I don't even check insta stories. May I be excused?" I said and everyone nodded then I got up from the table. I ran upstairs and tried calling Lovely but she didn't answer the phone it just went to voicemail. This was the hardest thing for me to do just sit and wait!

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