Saints and Sinners

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"Hey Alex, long time no see." Sara said in her seductive voice and Alex smiled at her then me and I chuckled "Look your not as bad as Oliver so relax." I said as I winked at Alex and Sara then Anissa stormed outta the room. "Seems like earthquake is mad." Rorrey said and I chuckled as I walked out the room responding to him "It's Thunder Ro, not earthquake."

"Potato, tomato same thing." He said and everyone just looked at him confused. "It's not the same." everyone said with a chuckle."Baby Stop, what's going on?" I asked Anissa and she just looked at me. "Baby, tell me what's wrong." I asked and she continued walking till we made it to the lounge.

Jennifer P.O.V

Once Larien and Anissa were far enough from the room we ran to the monitor to find where they were going. "Their in the lounge." Sara said and we turned the volume up on the camera. "Shouldn't we be giving them space."

Ma said and everyone responded "Larien is the only person you don't want to give too much space to when it comes to relationships." everyone said in their own way then we started back watching the cameras

"Anissa Pierce, what is the problem?" Larien asked looking into Anissa's eyes and Anissa sat down. We could tell Larien finally red Anissa's mind cause she spoke outta turn. "Alex is older than me we didn't fuck we flirted, Kisses, and Almost fucked." Then Anissa spoke "How could you not tell me she would be here Larien Kanar Ledarda. WHY DIDN'T YOU PREPARE ME FOR YOUR LITTLE HOE?!"

Nissa screamed the last part with attitude. "I know this dance a little too well." Felicity said looking over at Oliver. "Hoe?" Alex and super girl questioned.

"Sorry for her language." I said "This is why we shouldn't be watching and listening in on their conversation." Mom said and dad agreed "Yooo, please don't start this while the evil me is out there destroying my city and my name. An Alex is not a hoe she's a friend."

Larien said "Well at least you two have one thing in common beside the face." Anissa said as she rolled her eyes. "What does that mean?" Larien asked looking at her a little mad

"You two are both destroying your name!" Anissa said as she folded her arms and Larien sat down across from her "How?" Larien asked and Anissa stood up "Your the hoe of your city aren't you? Who haven't you fucked, huh?" Anissa said and we gasped.

Larien stayed quiet for a moment then a tear rolled down her face as she slowly stood up. "She's the quiet kinda crazy so keep an eye on her eyes and ears." Iris said and everyone agreed while we still watched.

Larien looked at Anissa then she nodded like she was saying good bye and she vanished. "This might have been the straw that broke the camels back." Joe said and everyone sat down thinking.

Anissa finally walked into the room and we glanced at her then Alex stood up looked at her. Alex shook her head and they both exit the room on opposite sides. "We got this." They said then Super girl and Sara followed Alex as Felicity and Iris followed Anissa.

Felicity P.O.V

"Anissa, Wait!" I said and she kept walking then Iris screamed "Anissa, hold on!" as we ran up to her. "For what, you two don't even know me?" She asked "Well, we know Lovely and so that means we know a little part of you."

I said then Iris spoke "Yea so let us speak to her." We walked into the lounge and began talking. I was amazed cause some how Larien always pick the best people to date and well we all know how my dating life went."Look I know Lovely and she wouldn't purposely put you in a position that she felt like you couldn't handle. An also she wouldn't put herself in a position to lose you, unless it was for a good reason."

Iris said and I chimed in "She loves you too much to just bring a women she still had feeling for here to disrespect you. Is she a big flirt yes, is it harmless yes. Most times Larien doesn't even know she's flirting." I said and Iris agreed "Yes it's been times where I had to ask was she flirting with me and she would say no. An I had to let her know it seems like it but that's just Lovely."

Super girl P.O.V

"Alex, Wait!"  Sara said and she kept walking "Alexandra Danvers!" I yelled and Alex turned around. "What?" She asked and we looked at her "Don't let her get under your skin." Sara said and I agreed "Yea kill her with kindness."

The more we talked the more we walked and somehow we made it all the way to the movie room. The news was on and it showed Lovely and Kinky boots, so we ran back to where everyone was at. "TURN ON THE TV." we yelled running into the room.

"Theirs been spotting's of Two Saint Lovely's terrorizing the city. It looks like one is being controlled by the other if anyone has any information on how to stop this please call the save our city hotline."

The news lady said and we all looked shocked then Anissa walked up to Alex and they looked at each other. "Look I'm sorry about what I said about you early I meant it but not in away to just disrespect you as a women. An I apologue for calling you a hoe." Anissa said and we looked at Alex.

"I'm sorry for listening to your conversation and its ok." Alex said and everyone agreed. "Now that were a team it's time to come up with a way to save Lovely and connect the two." Cisco said  "Yea and we're here to Help!" Della said smiling

Later on that day

Iris P.O.V

"It has to work and we got her location so let's at least try and get them back." Cisco said and I nodded in agreement. "look we've been playing like saints no pun intended but I think it's time to play like sinners. Not saying we're going to kill but let's get our hands dirty!" I said and everyone agreed.

"Just don't harm them too bad cause we have to put the two back together." Dr.Snow said "I volunteer to kiss Kinky boot if we need a distraction." Cisco said and everyone looked at him and he spoke again. "It's not like it Lovely, Well it is but it isn't. Anyways everyone put this lip balm on it counteracts her powers if she does try to kiss you."

"How are we going to get Lovely back?" Alex, Anissa, and Della asked at the same time then they looked at each other and smiled. "We don't know but we were thinking if we get Kinky then we can get both." Dr.Snow said "I mean it's not like the cuffs work on her but we'll figure this out." Dr.Wells said but Anissa, Alex, and Della  wasn't satisfied with the answer.

"Well get through to her." They both said "An if they don't then we got the next best thing. Koda!" Della said smirking then Rorrey spoke "An if yall don't then we are screwed cause Lovely is going to bring hell to earth. I think I like the sound of that, the earth on fire."

Later that night

Lovely's P.O.V

"Thanks for saving me, I didn't know I could turn myself out!" I said and everyone laughed "I think a dinner is in order! Everyone go get dressed and I got the rest! Now that the team is back together were going to be better than ever." I said speeding away.

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