Kya - diamond in the sky

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I was walking down the hallway, making my way to the dining room. Lackland tried to give me some slave clothing, but I wasn't having it. I put on my red and gold dress, and now I was about to enter the dining room when I heard a familiar voice. This man laughs sent chills down my spine and fire into my eyes.

The hairs on my body began to stand up, and the wolf inside of me was ready to fight. Two slaves opened the door, and Carter was sitting there with the biggest smile on his face. Once he saw me, the smile got even bigger, but I glared at him. "Lovely this is master Carter, he's from..." before Lackland could finish, I spoke. "Baton Rouge, Louisiana," I said slowly, walking to the table, and Adonis looked at me shocked cause he realized this was my old Massa Carter.

"You two know each other?" Lackland asked, and Carter quickly spoke. "In a past life long ago and now I'm so glad that we have reconnected again," Carter said, but I couldn't speak cause I knew if I did, it would cause problems for Lackland's slaves. "Lovely, are you ok?" Adonis asked along with his brother. "I don't want to be rude, but I think I just might need some fresh air. May I be excused?" I asked, and Adonis nodded his head. Then I quickly got up from the table and left the room.

After Dinner

"Magnolia?" Carter asked, and I slowly looked back at him as chills ran down my spine. "I knew it was you how could I forget my most prized possession. The one that got away. I heard stories of your travels, and I just had to come and find you." Carter said, smirking, and I turned all the way around facing him.

My palms began to get sweaty, and I felt everything closing in on me. "When I heard about a wolf down south helping slaves to freedom, I knew it was no coincidence. You know the night we died that same wolf helped my slaves become free, and one by one, I tracked them all down and took something they loved most," he said, and I looked at him angered.

"So what now, you're here to take something of mine. Sadly. For you, I ain't got none to take. You made sure of dat. Member dat night you made me watch as yah took my family, told err bodi I was sleep dat I ain't care bout dem no way. Dat I begged yah tah take dem and put me up der in dat big house of yours." I said, losing all my self worth and commonsense.

"I member dat night yah tried ta take me, but God wouldn't have dat, no way, no how. He made sure I got away from you I thought I killed yah well dats what I heard and back den I wasn't a killer. But now I am!" I said, regaining all my composure.

"So my little Magnolia had blossomed who took it?" Carter asked, and I looked at him, keeping eye contact. "That isn't your business nor your concern," I said, and Carter smirked as he began walking closer to me. "You're my biggest sin Maggie you made me make a deal with the devil. That night, I was almost dead. Until he came knocking, so I answered, and he gave me powers out of this world, but you know a little something bout that don't you?" he asked with fire trailing behind him.

"You know about being the most powerful person in the room. You know how to hide it in plain sight without anyone putting two and two together; that's what I always liked about you, Maggie. So guess what, I'm going to offer you a deal come with me, stop freeing slaves, and I will let your friends and new Massa live." Carter said, and I laughed. "You can't let me do anything and didn't I tell you that you've already taken everything from me. Ion care bout des people dey jus people to me." I said, hoping he and I both believed the lie I was telling.

"See Maggie, that's where you're wrong. I can take everything, and I know you all too well that mother-daughter duo in there is your type. Strong, willing, submissive, I taught you everything you know about manipulation. Isolate, make em feel special, whisper sweet nothings, then you got em." Carter said, and I saw Ester and Kya look at us shocked.

"You know what Carter, your right, you did teach me something. You taught me that a brother could be looking his sister right in her eyes, trying to rape her and not know it. You taught me that a father could not care bout his child enough to sell his daughter to his son. but you also taught me that family is blood, but they don't always have to be the people you love." I said, and Carter looked at me, shocked and confused. It was like he was seeing me in a whole new light.

"You.We.HER!it can't be!" Carter yelled at me as he stormed up to me and grabbed my throat. My throat began to get hotter, and it was still heating up. "LET HER GO OR GET SHOT DOWN!" Adonis said, and I grabbed Carter's wrist. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't going to let me go, that was, till Adonis shot right in the middle of Carter and my face. "Next one will be your head," Adonis said, and Carter let me go. I quickly dropped to the ground, but I still couldn't breathe, and when I looked over at Adonis, Lackland was standing next to him, smiling.

I don't think he knew all this would happen, but since it did, he was enjoying it. And for me, this meant the war was going to have to come earlier than I thought. And what did Carter mean when he said Her?

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