back to Fa Mur we go

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I was in my room sleep when I heard the door open. I kept quiet even though I knew who it was. She slowly slid in my bed and made my body cuddling up to hers. "Mmm, your so warm." She said and I smirked as she rubbed her ass again my vagina like it was a dick.

I could tell she thought I was sleep cause she would slightly moan each time. "Are you enjoying my body Ms.Esther?" I asked in a seductive voice and she gasped then I chuckled as I wrapped an arm around her. "Don't go getting scared now!" I said and she turned around to face me.

"I know dis isn't right but I can't help it Adira, Your hypnotizing and so powerful." Ms.Ester said and I smirked, "You're everything I wanted my old lovers to be, and It worst cause I saw yah foe she did but I wasn't pose to." She said and I put my index finger on her lips.

"Shh, someone's coming." I said then we both got out of the bed and I put her in the back of my closet where I keep my guns and run away slaves. Then I slide the board in front of her and got back into my bed and waited. Then there was a knock at my door so I went to open it halfway. "Is Ester in there someone said they saw her sneak into your room." Massa Lackland said and I looked at him confused with my door still cracked.

"The real question is why do you care if she is?" I asked and I heard Ester gasp with my wolf hearing. Lackland tried to swing the door open but it wouldn't cause I was holding it. "Cause She's my Nigger!" He said and I heard her gasp again."She's not here and if she was then she'd be in my bed but ass naked!" I said then I heard her giggle and I smirked.

"So you want both my Niggers huh? The mother and the daughter!?!" He asked ferrous and I chuckled, "Or maybe they want me and I think your wife just might too, Sir Travis Lackland." I said as I let the door open wide exposing my room and myself in a sheer nightgown.

He looked at me like he wanted to hit me so bad. "My wife wouldn't fall for no nigger!" He yelled and I pointed behind him at his wife giving me a seductive look. "That wife?" I asked and Lackland quickly turned around catching his wife licking her lips while looking at me.

"Now if you down mind I have sleep I need to get back to," I said then I wolf blew the door close as I waved at them smirking.

Later that Morning

I woke up in my room alone and naked from a great night of sleep. I made Ms.Ester leave a little after Lackland and she wasn't too happy about it either.

I got up and there was a knock at the door. I walked to the door and cracked it so whoever it was wouldn't see my body. "You will be dining with us tonight so Kya and Ester will clean you up and get you dressed. We have a special guest so please be on your best behavior and follow all the rules or someone will suffer the consequences." Lackland said and I smiled.

Three minutes

I was walking to the bathroom when I saw Ms.Ester. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her to the side where no one could see us. "What did you mean by you saw me first? I thought you were in the kitchen when I arrived."I asked and she looked down then I grabbed her hand gently and she looked up at me sad.

"I was supposed to be in the kitchen but I had to make a quick detour. I went outside towards the front gate to pick Mrs.Lackland's favorite flowers when you and Adonis arrived. You were in wolf mode and he was a little bloody but you both were talking about the slave you guys had freed." She said and I looked at her shocked.

"You knew who and what I was and didn't snitch?" I asked and she nodded. Then we both smirked and our eyes just locked in on each other.

Bath time

I was in the bathtub with Ms.Esther and Kya cleaning me off and explaining the special guest dinner rules to me.

"Don't go getting in trouble cause you will cost someone a huge punishment, Adonis might not whip you or the other house slaves but his brother will whip us, you hear me?!?!" Ms.Esther said and I looked at her a little annoyed.

"We're not house slaves and I'll make sure to follow all the rules so no one gets hurt. It's funny though cause Kya doesn't have any lashes on her body, unlike you." I said and she glared at me. "Were you outside before becoming head of the house?" I asked and she nodded.

"I take it you were too," she said as she wiped my old scars with the towel and I nodded. "When I was a kid, yea, but as I got older and my body formed my second Massa made sure to bring me into the big house. He said "I don't want no nigger men touching a well-blossomed flower like her" but all I heard was I wanna be the first to take her virginity." I said then they looked at me surprised.

"Did he? take it?" Kya asked, "Who was your first Massa?" Ms.Ester asked and I smiled "My first Massa was a man who kept me running back and forth. I was in the house and in the field. When the sunrise I was a house girl when it went down I was field girl and my break was minimum to no unless it was Saturday or Sunday. Saturday I in the city with my mother a house woman collecting things for the house. And Sunday I was at home making sure I was prepared and ready for a busy week." I said and they looked at me shocked. "I first Massa sold me to his son on his wedding day. Said I was his most prized possession and that his son would only get the best of what he had. Funny how the best was me and my family." I said and they looked at me so intrigued.

"But no Kya, it wasn't in God's plan for Carter to take it but he tried one cold night in December. His wife was away and he made me clean his room. I was fixing the bed when he got behind me so I quickly stood up. Massa Carter began kissing on my neck and something inside me awakened. Before I knew it I was wolfed up and he was dead. So I ran still in wolf form freeing all his slaves and the story was told that a wolf got into the house and killed him and his house girl Magnolia. After that, I changed my name and learned to control my powers so no man could ever touch me or any other woman." I said then they looked at me surprised.

"What about your family?" they asked and I glared at the wall. "The day I went into the big house I was alone but that night they were killed. My mom, twin sister, and little brother. Massa Carter made sure I had no ties and by default, I had no weaknesses." I said then I stood up and got out the tub grabbing my towel.

"Now enough storytelling, I need to get my mind right while I get dressed," I said and they just looked at me.

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