Chapter 2

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You looked at Stu. The opened the note.

Hey I'm glad that we are in the same class. This class gets pretty boring.

You smiled. Then wrote down.

Yeah glad you're here too. At least I know someone here. Don't wanna be the generic new girl.

You threw the paper back at him. He laughed and wrote down. But before he could Mr. Vega noticed this and called us out. He instead told us to take notes in our notebook.

You took out your sketch book instead. And started drawing. Pretending to look up focused on what the teacher was reading to us. Then look at your note book and start drawing. You looked at the corner of your eye to see Stu writing in a journal of some sort. Could he actually be taking notes you thought.

Something about him interested you. He was quite the character. You couldn't help but sketch out his face shape and those eyes of his. A very deep blue. Just like his hair. When the bell rang you didn't notice and when Stu tapped your shoulder. You shut your sketch book so no one could see what you were drawing. Stu didn't question it.

"So what class do you have next? Oh I have math next. With..... Mr. Vega?" You ask confused.

"We don't have many teachers here. So most teachers teach other classes. I have math too. So we are class mates again. So we stay here and wait for the others." Stu said.

You open back your sketch book to a blank page. Seeing that this class would be boring as well. At least no one will notice you.

Algebra is the highest class here. But back home you took college algebra. So this was nothing to me. At least you can do homework easily now.

The room started filling up and I just started drawing out a crying fairy. I don't know why. It just seemed pretty.

After all the students came into the classroom Mr. Vega got up his desk and said "Okay we have a new project due next week. Pick your partner and I will give you your project."

Stu looked at you.

"Hey can you be my partner?" Stu says

You blush a bit cause you saw both of his eyes this time.

"Yeah of course. Just don't stick me with all the work." You say with a giggle.

"Hey. How did you know about my master plan." Stu says. You guys laugh together and you playfully punch his shoulder.

Mr. Vega gives you two a piece of paper. You read it.

The project is to find real life angles. Take a photo of a angle you see in the world.

Ex: tree branches, buildings, signs, ect.

Then explain what angle it is. You just find at least 2 and then make a poster.

You read it and laugh. This is so easy you could finish this today if you wanted to. You look at Stu who looked a bit anxious. Sitting on his desk instead of his chair.

"Hey Stu. This project is so easy I can take care of it if you want." You say

"What no way. I'll help. Anything you need or anything we could do together.?" He says getting off his desk and shaking his hands in a no matter.

"Well are you doing anything today After school? We can take the photos then buy a poster. I can do the rest." You say

"I can do After school I have a camera by my work. It's not fair and their should be a park near by."he says

"Work? You work?" You say. He works. Maybe he can get you a job. No that seems like you're using him.

"Yeah I hope my boss doesn't mind tho. We are short a person." Stu replied.

"Wait! I need a job. If you are short one person I can help. I need a job." You say kinda in a desperate tone.

"Well you can ask my boss, I'm not sure what the opening is for." Stu says amused.

"Thank you. Sorry we lost our topic. Anyway...."

You and Stu talk about your project and that you can turn it in tomorrow to get it out of the way. You hate holding every thing in the last minute even if it's so easy.

So you and Stu had time to kill. You talked about music. He really loved music. The way he talked about it so passionate made you blush. Seeing someone love music as much as you did made you happy. And in this case. Have a bigger crush on him.

Y/N what's wrong with you. Come on her yourself together no more crushes.

You shook it away and talked about you're favorite bands. Again you had a lot in common.

After what seemed minutes class was over. It went by fast actually. It might of been cause you and Stu were talking all the time. You were surprised Mr. Vega didn't say anything. Seemed like he gave up. You hope that you had Stu for you next class but you didn't. He still was kind and then took you to your class.

U.S history you walked in and the class was really small, as small as your bed room. And that was saying something. There was only 4 desks. You sat at the end and waited. The teacher wasn't even here yet. Maybe he or she had gone to the restrooms. You waited and then one other student came in and sat at the table. Far from you. You didn't mind cause well you were awkward around people and had trouble talking to people. Unless if you start off talking about music. Then you instantly become my best friend in my mind.
Like Stu.

The guy sitting at the end did speak up.

"This class is the only class like this." He said.

He looked strange. He had brown hair and hand his hands buried in his dark green jacket.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"This class is a free class. They say it's history but in reality it's for the kids who do well in class to be able to get away from the others." He says taking out a book and reading.

You said nothing and took out your sketch book.

"You're allowed to leave. Just come back if you have a 4th class. The only other 2 people here don't stay in this class. No one really does." He says.

"Then why are you here?" You respond.

"To put it short I heard a new student was here and she was pretty bright. I figured they would give you this class. I thought I would introduce myself and make sure you knew what this class was. I'm Brian by the way." He says.

"Oh I'm y/n. It's kinda strange for a school to do that. They don't even check what we do here?" You ask

"Nah. They trust us. And if you haven't noticed by the yelling in the distance. They have to handle other things." He says point at the door.

You say nothing and listen to the yelling. Sounds like a fight. Wow. He wasn't kidding.

"Since your new here. Let's go out. There's a ice cream truck outside. My treat." Brian says.

You stand up sketch book in had and nod. The thought of ice cream made you happy.

Together you guys walk out no one seeming to care. You did feel kinda dangerous and edgy. Brian seem to notice it and laughed.

"You're a good girl aren't you? Not enough of those here. It's good to know. Most of the girls here are well. Scary." He says with a look on his face.

He probably remembered something bad. Dam. What are the girl here like then. I hope I don't get on there bad side.

You see the truck in the distance and run to it.


Okay next chapter up soon.

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