Chapter 62

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You looked at him. He noticed you were staring at him. He looks at you. You blush. Your feelings acting up again. Butterflies in your stomach. You cringe at your feelings. Why did 2D do this to you.

You felt tears in your eyes and 2D noticed.

"Wuts wrong? Did I day sumthing?" He says Turing toward you.

You move to him and hug him tightly.

"I missed you, idiot" you say. You hugged him tighter and cried into his chest.

"I missed you two luv" he says. You heard him fighting back tears.

You cried lightly and smiled. 2D still running his hands threw your hair and rubbing your back.

He leans back and lifts your head. He leans to your face.

You froze and pulled back.

"Im sorry, I forgive you. I really do. But not yet. I just wanna start over okay" you say smiling.

2D nods and you sit back down with 2D. The two of you holding hands. It wasn't much but it was enough.

You didn't want to rush into things. Scared that things would go horrible again.

After a while the two of you watched the sunrise together. You were smiling at it. It was just so lovely.

"We should get going murdoc told me we shouldn't stay here for long" he says.

He stands up and helps you up. The two of you head back to the beach. Going back to the small room back down.

You laid on the bed and felt tired. You felt something poking your back not letting you get comfortable. You sit up and grab the thing. It was your sunglasses.

You look at them playing around with them.

"Yew know yew're a great singer" he says. Sitting down next to you as you laid down.

"You think so?" You ask looking at 2D still laying on your side.

"Yeah, I always enjoyed yew're music it made me smile." He says.

You smile, putting your glasses aside.

"Are we back together?" 2D asks.

He looked nervous. His white eyes fading to black. You look at him in awe.

"Maybe. I don't know. I just need time to thinking things out." You say.

You look at him smile. Giving him hope that things would work out.

"Have you worked on any songs for the new album?" You ask.

"Yeah, I have quite a bit. I just need to record them and that's all" he says.

"Wait really?" You say.

"Yeh" he says.

"Murdoc! Fucker then why you draged me into this!" You yell at the camera that was at the corner of the room.

You sigh and throw a t shirt at it, covering it forever.

You didn't enjoy that murdoc could be watching you sleeping.

"Im sorry luv, I'm guessing murdoc won't let us out until the album is over" he says.

You sigh.

"Great" you say.

"Im sorreh luv" he says.

"Its okay Stu, you didn't bring me here." You say.

You walk to the small desk and sit, your notebook still on the desk. You open to a blank page.

2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now