Chapter 30

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You and Brian walk toward kong. You open the doors and walk in.

You sneeze feeling a bit cold.

"Y/n! Where have you been. The rain is crazy I was getting worrie-."

2D was walking towards you. He seemed less serious but stopped when he had seen Brian.

"Hey Stu" Brian replied.

"I went out for a walk, Brian gave me a ride home." You say.

Murdoc walks by.

"Murdoc is it okay if Brian stays here for the night. It's too dangerous to drive back home." You say.

Murdoc walks up to you.

"So this was the guy who was your date to the dance. This was the lucky boy." Murdoc laughs.

"Murdoc!" You yell.

Murdoc just laughed and left. He sure knows what to bring up.

You sneeze again.

"Y/n Go take a shower or change into some dry clothes your gonna get sick." Brian replies.

"Yeah, I have some clothes too. They might fit you." You say.

You hand 2D his box of Chinese food. Lucky it didn't get wet.

"Here you should eat some."You smile at him.

2D didn't seem to happy seeing Brian here but he was your best friend. You can chose one or the other.

You show Brain up the elevator instead of the stairs.

You get to your floor and step out with Brian. You see Russel and wave at him.

"Y/n, your back how was the walk." He asks.

"Who are you?" Russel points at Brian.

"My walk was fine. And this is Brian my best friend." You smile.

Russel was still protective. He really is your older brother.

Brian and Russel shake hands and you take brian to your room. You close your door and then hand him some clothes that might be big enough to fit him. You hand him a shirt and these old sweat pants you hand. They were to big for you. They might fit him.

"Okay you can change in the bathroom. I'm gonna go change in 2Ds bathroom. I'll be back. You can shower if you want." You say to Brian.

You go outside your room and close the door and walk to 2Ds room.

"Hey Stu can I use your bathroom?" You say as you open the door.

I guess Stu isn't here yet.

You walk in and go to the bathroom. You close the door. And start to change. You change to long black tights. And a baggy t shirt.

You walk out and head to your room.

Brian had gotten out too.

"What you wanna do?" Brian asks.

"Dunno, we haven't had a sleep over in forever." You say in a girly tone.

"We never had a sleep over dummy." He replies.

You laugh.

"Well I have to edit this video the band did." You say.

"Wow. A video making it official." He replies.

"Well it was for fun. Wanna help me edit. You know how to do cool effects." You say.

"I'll show you how it's done" Brian laughs. You look and see the 3 cameras on your desk table. Glad you had left them there. You pick them up and put the footage through your laptop. You sit on your bed Brian sitring next to you. You and Brian watched the footage. After he got over how crazy it was. He helped you make cool edits. You couldn't believe the stuff the camera had recorded. A ghost did better at filming than you. Add that to the list. The ghost had managed to get a shot of everything. The zombie monkeys. Noodle running. Even when a monkey had grabbed murdoc's well his nuts. You found the funny and for sure wanted that in the final video hope murdoc didn't mind.

Brian helped you created that cool animation for the logo coming out of murdoc's pupil and then having the band move in a cool way.

After 2 hours you guys finished and celebrated.

"Thank you so much Brian I couldn't have done it without you." You say.

"Thanks for letting me stay." He says.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed see ya tomorrow morning." You say.

You rub your eyes. And then place your laptop on the desk. And get up off the bed to leave.

"Wait where are you sleeping?" Brian asks.

"I'll sleep with Stu. It's fine. You can sleep here don't touch my crap" you laugh.

"Night Brian" you say.

You close the door and hear a "night" back. You walk to 2Ds room and see that 2d was laying on his bed.

"Hey Stu can I sleep with you?" You ask.

Already getting into bed. You knew 2d wouldn't have mind.

"Would you rather be sleeping with Brian." Stu said kinda jealous.

You hug him.

"You know he's just my friend. I love you. That's why I'm here with you." You smile and give him a peck.

2D can get jealous quite a bit.

2D sighs. And hugs you back tightly.

"I'm sorry just had a lot of stuff in my mind." He responds.

"What's wrong you been upset all day." You ask.

"Well.. something happened last night. Everyone wants to forget it. Or pretend it didn't happen but someone hurt you. And I couldn't fight back. Russel was the one who saved the day. I couldn't save you." 2d frowned.

You kissed him softly.

"I remember now. You made me feel better. See I didn't remember that my face hurt that day. Stu you know I love you the way you are. And of course you saved me. You took care of me." You said and hugged him tightly.

He hugged you back and rubbed your back.

You look into his dark eyes and kiss him softly and slowly.

"Thanks for the food I was pretty hungry." 2d giggles.

You mess up his hair and hug him closer.

"Sorry I didn't talk to you today." Stu apologises.

"No talking just cuddles" you say.

You hear 2D giggle and he wraps his arms around you.

You fall asleep in his arms. You always have felt safe here.

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