Chapter 13

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You grab his hand. And he leads you toward the dance floor as soon as you guys make it to the dance floor. The song plays to a slowish song. People still danced it as a slow song.

2D wraps his arms around your waist and you jump.

"I really don't know how to dance like that" you say blushing.

"I'll show you." He says.

He grabs your arms and puts them around his neck. And he puts his arms on your waist. You blush madly.

Then you start swaying back and forth. Moving lightly.

You could hear and feel 2D's heart beat. It all made your heart race. You look in his eyes and smile.

"You look really cute, I like your hat" you say shyly.

" You look really nice actually beautiful. Well you always looked beautiful" 2D responds.

You hear the song and it makes you smile. This moment with Stu. You always wanted this. You were enjoying this too much.

You rest your head against his chest. And blush madly.

Should you tell him now. Should you confess.

"Hey 2D-" you felt water.

You back away and you see water dripping down your dress. You look and see Paula with a cup in her hand. You look back at 2D who had a blank stare. Paula grabs his hand and drags him away. He didn't say anything. He left you there.

You didn't say anything. You just walked away the dance floor. Not showing any emotion. You turned back to see 2D and Paula dancing. It broke your heart.

You went outside and sat at the curb. The curb you sat when you got icecream with 2D once. You let a tear fall off your face. You felt sad. But you were done. You were gonna walk home you didn't care how far it was.

You start off walking. And hear a voice. It was Brian's.

"Hey y/n are you okay?" He asks

You nod your head no and hug him tightly and cry into his chest.

He runs a hand through your hair and you relax.

"Wanna go get a ice cream?" He asks.

You smile. "You're the best" you force a laugh.

You two walk to the little shop. Surprise it's still open. You two walk inside and you sit at the table. Brain gets you icecream and hands it to you.

"Thank you. But you don't have to don't you wanna dance with the girls" you ask feeling guilty you were distracting him

"Best friends stay together so what's up?" He asks.

You tell him that you liked 2D. That you had a crush on him since the day you saw him.

"You never told him!" He says shocked.

"No I couldn't he started liking Paula and I didn't want to lose him as a friend if I confessed." You say eating your icecream.

"Hey you should tell him" brian says

"I don't know if he feels the same. He loves Paula." You mope.

Brian and you talk more. Then you guys end up talking about more happier things. You assume he was trying to get your mind off your problem.

You really appreciated every thing he was doing. He did male you laugh and smile. After a few hours of talking the dance had ended and you saw people leaving the school. You felt your phone beep and got a text from murdoc saying he was here. You say good bye to brian and hug him. Thank him for every thing. And wave bye. You see murdocs car and see a new face.

You walk up and see a giant guy with white eyes. Pure white eyes.

You never seen this guy before.

"Y/n my love meet Russel a new member of the band. He will play drums" murdoc says.

You look at russel and put your hand out and smile.

"Nice to meet you Russel. Sorry for anything murdoc out you through." You say as he shakes your hand.

He smiles "Well thank you nice to see someone has manners here." Russel says looking at murdoc.

You and Russel talk about music he liked pop so you enjoyed talking about music. Considering you guys had different music tastes. You guys just waited for 2D and Paula. After a hour they came. Murdoc yelled at 2D for being so late. But being honest 2D looked pale. And dead inside. You wondered what's wrong. But you didn't want to talk to him.

You say next to 2D the ride home which was pretty awkward. Seeing Paula was also next to him. You just looked at the window trying to ignore the cuddling they did and the kisses noises paula was making. You knew she was doing this to piss you off but you didn't let it phase you. The sky was pretty. You focused on it. The stars were never so bright. You wish you had your sketch book to draw it out. But you forgot it's lost in your room somewhere. But where could it be. Never once have you misplaced that journal. It was like a phone you always had it in your hand or in a place easy to find.

Where could it be.

Once you guys get home back to long studios you take off your shoes as soon as you got off the car.

"My feet they are free" you yell and run to the door.

You laugh and here murdocs and Russels laugh.

You sit on the couch and wait for the others to come in.

"So does any one wanna watch a movie" you ask.

" I would y/n love but I have to go take Russel to his new room and stuff." Murdoc and Russel go off.

You nod and wave bye.

"I'm tierd I'm going to bed" Paula says and goes away too.

So you and 2D are just there sitting on the couch awkwardly.

You get up. "Forget the movie I should get to bed" you say and go to your room.

You crash on your bed and notice your sketch book on your bedside table. Was it always there? You grabbed it and flipped through the pages. It looked the same.

You put you sketch book on the table and fall asleep.

2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now