Chapter 4

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After school you and Stu walked to his music store he worked at. It was small but looked so cool.

Granted uncle norms organ emporium isn't the greatest name. Sounds more like he is selling human organs but I guess some people aren't the best with names.

You walked in and the smell of wooden guitars and pianos filled the room. You just walked around in awe and didn't realize why you were there in the first place. Stu walked up to you.

" I asked and well the person we need is a piano teacher. All you have to do is show you know how to play and you're in." Stu said with a smile on his face.

Really they just needed a piano teacher. You are excited. It's like the first time in a long while luck was on your side.

You jumped with glee and sat at the piano. Stu's boss came and waited for me to show off what you know.

You played simple chords and then well everything you knew. Your timing was something you always had been perfecting and now it payed off. Stu's boss was impressed and hired you on the spot. You are a piano teacher now. And you start tomorrow. Your boss did said if you could also help cleaning and organizing when you weren't teaching people piano. You didn't mind it was fair. He was paying 10 a hour with was actually really great. You only had 50 on you. And that wasn't enough for the end of highschool. Stu got his camera and you noticed it was one of those cool ones that gave you a copy of the photo right after taking it. You guys walked out the store and you squealed in excitement. You hugged Stu tightly and thanked him.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." You said hugging him tightly after every thank you.

He smiled and oat your head.

"I'm glad. I'll be working with a friend. Now we should start that project come the park isn't far." He says point at it from the distance.

You run to the park. Feeling happy. You already made a friend in one day. Well actually two friends. This was better than your first day in your past school.

You sat at a park bench and waited for Stu to catch up.

"Hurry up you slow poke" you yell.

He runs out of breathe. He did have long legs and he seemed a bit awkward when he ran. To me it was cute.

He smiled and pulled out his camera and handed it to you. Still catching his breathe. You take it and studied it. You pointed it and Stu and took a photo. He started at the camera and smiled. The photo came out and Stu took it into the shade and shook it. It developed and I saw the photo of Stu. I was amazed.

"Well we really should take those photos for our project." I say

"Yeah okay we just need to find to angles." Stu says looking around he points at a tree.

"That tree is a 90 degree angle" Stu says.

You look and he wasn't wrong.

" wow you found one so fast" you aim the camera to it and take the photo.

Stu takes the photo and repeats the same thing then sets it aside.

We look for one more angle and Stu was the one to find it. I was impressed. Granted it was a easy task. But Stu looked happy when I was impressed.

You took the last photo and waited for it to develop. Already you guys have finshed most of your project. You guys high fives each other and laughed.

" so y/n Why did you come here. If you don't mind me asking. Any place you were before is better than here." Stu asked, laying down the grass staring at the sky. He pulled a lighter and cigarette out of his pocket and light it up.

You didn't mind.

"Actually you would be shocked." You say with a sigh.

"Why what happened" he sat up looking at you with a worried look.

You sat next to him.

"Nah. It's nothing. It's in the past." You say

"Well we can get that poster, and I can walk you home. Where you live." Stu asks.

"Oh you don't have to I live far." You respond.

You didn't live pretty far almost a hour walking and since you came here to the park with Stu. You missed the bus to take you home. But you enjoyed being with him.

"Nonsense let's go." Stu takes your hand and takes you to the store.

You blushed hard.

"Okay wait outside. I'll get the poster board. Don't move." Stu says and enters the store.

You just sat there on the curb. Waiting.

"What are you doing here sitting by your self you pretty lady." Someone says.

You know that voice.

"Brian?" You turn.

Yup it was Brian. You stood up and waved.

"Yup that's me. Why are you around here. You live here?" He asks.

"Oh no just working on that project with Stu." You say.

" I see. Well I should get going kiddo. I'll see you in class tomorrow. Cookies are on you tomorrow." He walks and pats your head.

You grab the top of your head knowing he only does that cause you're shorter.

Why did you have to be short. On the bright side you can wear heels without having to hit a ceiling fan.

Stu comes out of the store poster on hand and hands it to me.

"Is this the one?" He asks.

"It's perfect thanks Stu. I should get going I can turn this in by tomorrow. I just need those photos." You say.

" sure here. You sure you don't need help with anything else?" He hands you the two photos.

"You brought the camera and bought the poster. Trust me glueing and writing words is not hard work. Especially when it's just two things." You take the photos with the smile.

You notice it's only two photos. You hoped he would of give you the one of him. You wanted it.

Should you ask. Would that be strange. Well fuck it.

" Hey I want that photo I took. You have it" you say holding your hand out.

He takes it put of his pocket shocked. And gives it to you.

"Why would you want it, it's just a ugly photo of me." He forced a grin he looked nervous.

"It's the first photo I took being here. And the photo of my first friend. It's a nice memory I want to keep." You say

Stu smiled. And you both walked to your house. You were kinda embarrassed cause your home wasn't the best.

After the long walk you made it.

"Well this is my place. Thanks for walking me Stu. This really has been a great day." You say.

"No problem" he smiles and walks back home.

You felt bad cause it was a long walk and you didn't know where he lived.

You unlock your door and get it and relocked it. You go up stairs and dump your stuff on the ground. You then jump onto your bed. You sigh in happiness. This really has been a great day.


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