Chapter 24

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"Well I brought you all here, we need to start recording music. And the plan is simple." Murdoc says

We all look at each other.

"Do we even have stuff to record?" Russel says, raising a eyebrow to murdoc.

"Of course I do, got us a recording studio and everything" music says with a smile. Proud of himself.

"The thing is. We have a problem." Murdoc says.

"Which is" you ask.

"Well sorry darling. But your out of the band" murdoc says

You feel your heart drop and you feel like you turned white.

"I'm joking love, okay you're not leaving. But your not officially in the band" murdoc says.

"What does that mean?" You say crossing your hands.

"You'll be able to live here in kong. But you won't be seen as a part of the band. Sure you might help us with backup vocals and so on. But your not officially in the band" murdoc says.

"That's not fair" 2d says

"Yeah not at all" Russel says standing up.

"I think it's a great idea" you say.

Everyone looks at you shocked.

"I'm fine with that. I really didn't want to have the spot light on me. I came here for 2d. But I'll help you with anything you need." You say

2d smiles and has light blush on his cheeks. He's playing with his thumbs.

"What else can you do to help us?" Murdoc asks.

"I can play piano is if you ever need piano. And seeing you will need album art I can start that. And I took a film class in my old school. I can shoot video's" you say.

"Perfect! So we're a band now. We need to start writing some songs. So everyone get ready for tomorrow." Murdoc says stands up and heads out

Everyone does so and you get up. You feel a slight pain on you side. You ignore it and 2d walks behind you and you guys go back to 2ds room.

You didn't want to go back to your room now thinking about what happened before the meeting.

You sit on 2ds bed and yeah your side still hurts. You groan.

"Something wrong?" 2d asks concerned.

"My side hurts a bit for some reason" you say standing up.

You lift up your shirt a bit and walk to the mirror 2d has on his wall. Yeah you have a hand print on your side. How hard was murdoc holding you.

You have a bruise shaped like a hand on your side. And one on your neck. Well great. Thanks mudoc you thought, the last thing you wanted was to hide another bruise. You turn to see 2d looking at you in the mirror.

He's blushing again. He's sweaty too.

Okay what's up now.

"2d?" You look at him. He looks like he's thinking about something.

What is he thinking about.

He walks to you. Without saying anything, a straight face on.

You back away. Just as a response.

"Stu?" You ask

He says nothing he walks closer to you and you back up more. And your back is against the cool mirror. You turn to get out of the situation. And right as you do that 2d has both of his hands against the wall and your trapped.

You feel your heart beating.

2d kisses you softly and you melt. Again he can be quite dominant you thought. You never expected this from him.

After a while of passionate kisses he picks you up. And carries you.

You gasped. Almost pulling from the kiss but 2d just used that gasp as a advantage and kissed you deeper.

He gently lays you down his bed. And then he climbs on top of you.

He kisses you deeper and you feel your mind go fuzzy. You didn't really want to stop kissing.

Then he again puts his hand on your waist.

Honestly you didn't care.

Then again his finger tips graze your lower back. You shiver.

2d breaks the kiss and looks down on you.

"Do you wanna do this?" He asks. Serious.

You look at him.

"I, I don't know" you say. You want to but you feel like it's pretty early.

"If you don't want to we don't have to." 2d says moving hair out of your face.

"I want to" you blurt out.

You honestly don't know what you're getting into.

Okay. Well this might be graphic. So. If you don't wanna read this. Go ahead and don't I'll write the next chapter soon.

2d nods and kisses you roughly again.

You melt and just allow this to continue to see what happens.

He kisses your neck again. And kisses the mark he had left softly.

You gasp.

Then 2d kisses your collar bone and you make some noise. You feel embarssed and blush. 2d smiles as he kisses your neck.

You feel your heart beating out of your chest. You hear it beating in you ears.

Then 2d lifts up your shirt. He takes off your shirt and you cover yourself with your hands. Shy all of a sudden.

2d smiles and kisses your head.

"Your beautiful" 2d says.

You shyly move your hands out the way. And 2d kisses your collar bone again. And he kisses your chest. Your bra getting in the way it seems.

2d runs his fingers along your back and you arch your back out of instinct.

He uses that and unclips your bra.

You gasp. And close your eyes embarssed. Then you feel. 2d light kisses. On your chest. You feel your heart beating fast. And your face is most likely red.

After that. You pull away.

2d looks at you.

"Sorry I just got really sleepy." You say.

Yeah you felt drained.

Stu smiles.

He kisses your forehead.

"I'm sorry if I took it to far" he whispers

You feel like your half asleep already.

"No don't worry" is all you can say. You use your last bit of energy to reach for 2d. He wraps his arms around you and you hug him back. You feel his heart beat and you fall asleep.

It didn't help that 2d ran his hands through your hair that was soothing to you.

You felt right asleep.

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