Chapter 12

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You go into your room after thanking murdoc and start to get ready. You shower but careful not to wet your hair you were gonna curl it anyway.

After the shower you put light perfume on your neck and rub cold cream on your face so that when you apply your makeup later you foundation isn't a cakey or dry mess.

You go ahead and but on some thin fishnets. And your shorts again. Those trusty shorts. You then put on your dress. It's the first time you worn a dress in a long time. You were maybe 7 your last time you had a dress on.

But this dress just made you smile. You felt so pretty in it.

You then went outside the bath room and sat down on your bed to curl your hair. It took a while but you did it. Then you took a rose and placed it in your hair resting on your ear. Then you started doing your makeup you just put a light color eyeshadow and some brown on the corner of your eyes. Then eyeliner and mascara. You didn't wanna do a full face.

Then you go and find your red pair of ankle wedges.  There's no way you're wearing a proper heel. Those hurt.

You looked in the mirror and smiled. You felt beautiful for once.

You then go to your bedside table to fine lip gloss. You noticed your sketch book wasn't there. Had you miss placed it? You look under the bed but it wasn't there. You phone rings.

Hey y/n can't wait to see you at the dance.

Yeah me too I'll see you there save us a table. I wore a dress for you 😋

You then hear murdoc yelling.

"If you want me to take you losers to the dance hurry up."

You grab your phone and hurry down grabbing the other 3 roses you bought.

You meet murdoc at the door so you were just waiting for 2D and Paula.

You heard them come down the stairs. The yelling was a lot.

2D was cute. He looked like how I drew him last time. Hat, black shirt with red tie. It was really cute.

Paula just wore a red pants and black shirt. They matched at least.

You felt eyes on you.

"Y/n You look realky pretty. I never seen you wear a dress before" 2D says.

"You look great as well 2D" you smile

"Let's get going don't wanna be late." You head outside. You're walking by murdocs side. You tap his shoulder.

"Here this is for you a thank you for taking us to the dance and well helping me get this dress and all." You smile and hand him one of the roses.

He takes it and smiles.

"You're really a special one, you don't have to thank me love" he says.

You only had two roses left.

You get in the car and so do the others. You were just so excited you sang to music the whole ride there.

Murdoc sang as well.

"Wow, love you have a great voice. Why haven't you told us you could sing" murdoc says.

"I never really thought my voice was much. I just sing for fun" you smile

You felt so happy. You glance at 2D tho. He doesn't look happy. He looks pretty sad.

After a long ride you finally got to school.

You could hear the music from the parking lot. It was loud and you felt so excited.

You ran to the dance and saw Brian waiting at the door. You wave at him and he's smiling.

He bows.

"My madien you look rather  lovely this evening." He says with a joke smile on his face.

You hit his shoulder. And laugh.

"Thank you my knight in shining armour" you laughed.

"You do look really beautiful. Nice dress." He smiles.

"Oh wait I have something for you" brian says looking through his pocket.

He had a red suit. He did look fancy. Or like he's going to a club. Either way he looked amazing.

He pulls out a cookie and puts it in your hand.

"Now you have to get ice cream next time" he smiles.

I remember that day. It seems so long ago. You gave him a hug. And pulled out a rose.

" and this is for you. Matches your outfit." You smile.

You guys link arms and walk in skipping to the dance beat.  You forgot the 2D was there watching your exchange with Brian. Why didn't he just go inside with Paula.

You and Brian sit at a table. You start talking and 2D sits on the table with you guys. It was a big table to wear 6 people. So it was normal. Sharing a table was normal.

You could see Paula dancing in the distance with other guys. Why is 2D not doing anything about it.

"Wanna dance?" Brian stands up and offers his hand.

You get up and you both walk to the dance floor. There was a few people around. You start dancing. And started laughing with Brian.

After a hour of dancing you got tierd. And got serious.

"Hey Brian, I hope I don't ruin this night. But I hope this isn't a date" you say

"Well I hope this was a date. But if you don't feel that way it's fine. Just glad you still came to the dance with me. Thank you" he responds

You give him a hug and a girl asks him for a dance. You give him a wink and they start dancing. They did look cute together. You walk back to your table to a alone 2D. You sit next to him.

"Hey what's wrong?" You ask

"Oh it's nothing. Where's Brian isn't he your date?" He asks.

"No we are just friends. He's out dancing with someone else." You say drinking water.

2D looks at you.

You look at him and take out your final rose. And give it to 2D.

"What's this for?" You see blush on his face.

"It's thanks for being Stu. And for being my best friend. It means a lot to me. And well you're my closest friend." You say blushing and twisting the bracelets you had on your wrist.

2D stands up.

"Would you like to dance y/n?" 2D asks.

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