Chapter 67 (NSFW)

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"Luv" you felt someone shaking you. You groaned. Not wanting to wake up just yet.

"Luv wake up" you felt them shaking.

Your eyes fluttered open. The bright sun light hit you like hell. You hissed and sat up.

"How you feeling luv" you saw 2D placing his hand on your forehead.

You felt your nose a little runny and your head hurt so much.

"I'm a little sick but I'm fine. Is it my turn?" You say still a bit drowsy. Still not completely aware of your surroundings.

"No need luv." He says you looked at him surprised. You and Stu would take turns rowing the boat. But you noticed that you were on land. You smiled at 2D and hugged him.

"We're free Stu!" You say.

"Yes, we're free luv." Stu says lifting your head and giving you a tender kiss. It felt amazing. You felt like the stress in your body melted away. Knowing that now you and Stu could live together alone.

You two walked around the beach it looked like you two had washed up.
You clung to 2D cold your clothes still pretty damp.

The beach was quiet no one was around. After a hours of walking you two made it to a city. You weren't sure where you were. But 2D checked into a hotel. He had his credit card in his pocket you both were thankful that he did. You could sleep in a warm bed for once.

"Imma take a shower." You say heading toward the bathroom.

You closed the door and took off your close feeling so happy. The warm water going down your body. You felt so much better.

After a hour of showering you put on the robe that was in the bathroom cabinet. The bathroom was small and had a smell of lavender. You saw the mirror and looked how much of a sun burn you had. You sighed. Your hair was also a tangled mess. For the first time in a while you were able to detangle it. You headed out the bathroom. You noticed 2D was sitting on the bed looking at the telly.

"You changed?" You said noticing he was in new clothes. Some jeans and some kinky kitty tee.

"Yeah I went to buy some clothes. Here this is for you. Seeing your clothes are still damp." He says handing you a bag.

You smiled and headed back into the bathroom. You looked in the bag and took out a t shirt of a band you liked, also some comfy looking pj bottoms. They were black so they could of been regular pants. You also noticed Stu had bought you underwear. You felt blush growing but were extremely grateful.

You got dressed and headed out. You laid down on the bed. You sighed out of happiness. 2D laid down next to you he had turn off the tv. He also held your hand.

"You okay luv?" He says.

"I'm just so happy. We get to be alone. And we're out of the cursed beach." You say hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad I have you luv. I'm glad your clothes fit you" he says smiling kissing your forehead. Kissing the space between your eyebrows.

"Yeah, you got me underwear but not a bra?" You chuckled smirking.

2D blushed and looked away.
"Well I don't really know much about that. I don't know your bra size luv." He says embarrassed not looking at your eyes.

"You're so cute" you say kissing his lips giving him a little peck.

He smiles but pouts.

"Why so pouty" you say your hands cupping his face.

"I want anotha kiss please luv" he says.

You give him another peck and pull away. Before you could completely pull away you felt 2Ds hand on the back of your head. So you couldn't pull back anymore. 2D kept on kissing you. But you kissed back and then wrapped your arms around his neck.

The kiss started sweetly. But you then felted him turn the kiss into a more lustful one. He deepened the kiss climbing on top of you. Both his hands on either side of your head. He pulled away and started kissing your neck.

"Stu?" You question as he kissed your neck.

"I just miss yew so much love. I miss feeling yew like this" he whispered huskily.

You couldn't help but blush at those words. He put a hand up your shirt and you gasped. It had been so long since you two have done this. You were shy. Didn't help you also hadn't done it in a while. You couldn't you were busy.

You felt him feeling your stomach. He ran his fingers up and down your sides.

"Yew still feel so soft y/n" he says his hand now touching your chest. You gasped at the feeling and he kissed you roughly again. He stared playing with your breast. Touching them and started pinching the sensitive buds. You gasped out arching your back.

"Yew make such cute sounds. I wanna hear more. I missed hearing you moan my name" he said into your ear. You blushed harder.

He took off your shirt and you took off his shirt. He started kissing your neck again you felt him sucking at that special spot. Leaving hickies in every visible place he could. He started kissing down to your chest. He then sucked at the sensitive bud. You moaned softly and felt 2D chuckle.

After a few minutes he stopped and pulled away helping you take off your pj bottoms. He took off his pants. He climbed right on top of you and kissed you roughly once again.

He put his finger on your thigh. Inching closer. He started to rub you through your panties and you moaned again.

"Stu. P-Please." You begged.

"Tch, hold up luv, I wanna have some fun." He said smiling.

He removed your panties and rubbed you again. You shaked at the touch. You felt him kissing your neck once again. Then he shoved his fingers in.

"Stu!" You say feeling the stretch. It hurt a little bit.

"It's been a while since you've done this huh?" He says going a still slowly. Before adding a second finger.

You nod your finger arching your back trying to feel a little less pain.

"Good. I've been waiting for yew too luv." He says pulling his fingers out and wiping them on the bed.

"Really?" You said.

2D pulled down his boxers and you looked at him. He nodded and kissed your head.

"You ready" he said.

You nodded. He pushed in gently. You hissed a bit. 2D kissed your lips sweetly.

"I luv yew so much my luv. Yew're so special ta meh" he says kissing your lips again sweetly.

He started thrusting a bit faster. And the pain went away. You gasped and moans spilled from your mouth.

Grunts and moans fell from 2Ds lips as well. His hair sticking to his forehead. Sweat started forming on his face.

He finished and you two laid down tired.

"Finally. Were okay." 2D said holding you. He held you close to his chest. His eye bags were less dark. And the bruises on his skin faded.

You kissed his nose.

"I love you Stu" you said falling asleep.

"I luv yew so much y/n" he said .


Finally finished a chapter.

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