Chapter 56

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You woke up. To find you were alone. You shifted your eyes still closed. You moved your hand to find that love of yours. Nothing but empty sheets. You opened your eyes and didn't see him in his room.

"Stu?" You say

No reply.

"Stu?" You say again getting out of bed and heading upstairs.

You headed to the kitchen.

Dining room.

Your room.

Recording studio.

You hear his sweet voice singing. You sigh in relieve feeling happy.

You open the door.
"Stu I've been looking-" you cut yourself off it was murdoc. Stu was no where in sight.

"Murdoc have you seen 2D?" You say

"Yeah he left" he says with no tone.

You froze. You didn't believe it.
"Im serious I can't find him anywhere." You say worried hoping he would stop playing with you.

"He left 2 hours ago. He took his clothes and asked for his last check. He said he didn't wanna be part of gorillaz no more." He says.

You slump down. Tears starting in your eyes.

"He left me." You say.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that luv. I really am. I don't know why he left ya. I apologize. Will you be leaving as well?" He says calm

You just nod.

"Why did he leave? Did he tell you anything?" You say playing with the sleeve on your sweater trying to relax.

Murdoc sighed. He walked towards you and pat your back.

"Im sorry luv, he didn't tell me. He just told me he was leaving. I thought he took you wif him." He says

"Oh." Is all you say.

"Luv, it will be alright. Things will work themselves out." He says.

"Why did you let that happen to noodle?" You asked.

He sighed. "I can't tell you that. I'm sorry."

You stand up and scoff. Opening the door and leaving. You head out the studio. Listening to 2Ds voice fading.

" I loved the girl. But God only knows....."

You tense hearing his voice. Hearing the sad yet beautiful tone he would sing in. You stood in the hallway listening to that voice. In disbelief that he had left. After all this. You headed to your room and cried.

You cried your eyes out and sighed afterwards. You grabbed your things and started packing. Packing your clothes in two suitcases and little things you wanted to keep. Photos you had of Russel and you. Noodle. Murdoc. And you took one of 2D. You couldn't help it. Hard to get over your feelings for someone instantly.

You shove them in the suitcase and headed to noodles room.

You look at the mess room. You smile remembering how she was like the sister you never had. You walk over to her closet.

It has to be here.

I found it.

You dig out her helmet, that she used for the dare video. You hug it close to your chest and put it on. You smile feeling closer to noodle. You still had a slice of hope that noodle was still alive. But really that was just your head trying to not let go of your last few bits of your sanity.

You head back to your room and grab the last paychecks you had. Your money and wallet included. After working with gorillaz for awhile you had enough to buy a new home and be well off. You didn't even have to work. You of course knew what you were gonna do with the money. Seeing you didn't want to head back to you old home you decide you would buy a new one. Go somewhere new. Stay focused on your own music career.

On ward to a different life you thought.

You left the front door of kong looking back at the cross that would fly around. You head to to your car and drive off.

You knew that you were gonna start off a new life. Hopefully a better one.

You sigh looking back at kong one last time. You knew you were gonna leave kong soon. You just never imagined alone. You thought Stu would always be by your side. You felt tears fa down your eyes thinking about him.

You head to a motel down the road. It was dark out. You didn't know where you were st this point. You checked in and got your room. You laid on the cheap bed. Just sighing and getting your phone out.

Yeah. You have to, you said.

You were mad. Hurt.

You called his number.


"Ello?" He picked up.

You froze feeling tears fall your eyes. But anger coursing through your body.

"Luv?" He said.

You tensed up.

"You have some nerve. You left me." You said no tone.

"Luv I'm sorry I-" he says.

"Listen D, I don't wanna hear your dam excuses. You left me. I'm never forgiving you. Bye forever pot." You yell hanging up.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

You laugh. He really is gonna try and make things better like this. You groan grabbing the phone and throwing it out the window.

You see it hit the parking lot ground. The battery coming out and some other pieces.

You didn't care you were planning on getting a new one anyway.

You lay on your motel bed and fall asleep.

Maybe I did over react. I don't care he left me alone. He said he would never.

What am I gonna do now.

I still have that music career going for me. Yeah. I'll do that. I'll become a big singer almost as big as gorillaz. I hope.

After you nap you wake up and look at the window. Your cellphone still shattered on the ground. You felt gulity but put those emotions aside. You were starting new and emotions wouldn't bother you.


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