Chapter 40

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You sit around the booth. There was only one shirt left and no one else was coming in.

You got bored. You dug you hands into your pocket of your jeans jacket.

Your hand hit something hard.

You took it out, oh it was your crystals. You had forgot about those. You carefully put them back into your pocket.

You sighed.

"Y/n I got your tacos" you hear Johnny say. 

"Thank God I'm starvi-"

You got cut of by someone's hand holding a napkin to your nose and mouth. You struggled. Your eyes became heavy.

You heard yelling.

"What the hell"

"Get him"

You heard struggling and muffled screams. They were silenced by the live band that was still playing.

You felt your eyes fall. And you fell into a deep sleep.

Your eyes opened.

Where am I. You thought.

You were laying on a bed with Johnny next to you his arms handcuffed to the bed post. He was still sitting but he looked uncomfortable.

You looked around. No way. You thought. This is your old room back at kong.

You felt your heart dropped when the door open.

"Finally your awake" you hear a old voice. Murdoc.

Murdoc walks in your room and you stare at him.

"Murdoc what the fuck!" You yell.
You stand up to only discover one of your hands is also cuffed to you bed post.

At least it's only one.

"Welcome back love we finally found you." Murdoc says in a growl.

"I left you guys. Why am I here" you ask sitting.

"We had to bring you here. We are getting the band back together" murdoc says.

"Heck no. I'm not in gorillaz anymore. I left!" You yell.

"No is not a answer. You stay in gorillaz." Murdoc says.

"Why should I?" You spat.

"Do you still care about faceache. Cause without you here you better believe that I will make his life a hell" murdoc says.

"Using 2D won't work dipshit." You say annoyed.

Murdoc laughs amused.

"Its only for this album honey think of the good times. You did leave us with out a word, 2 years with out you has been rough." Murdoc says.

"2 years?" You say. It couldn't been that long right. It was only a few months. Shit no he was right it had been two years.

"Can you let my friend go then, he has no part in this." You say

"You gotta join the band love" murdoc says.

"Fine. I will. I don't even have a choice anyway." You sigh in defeat.

Murdoc laughs and walks out the door and yells
"everyone guess who's back."

Murdoc walks back in and Russel comes in.

"Y/n?" Russel says. Shocked.

"Russel!" You yell. Jumping up and murdoc walks towards you and takes off the handcuffs. You hug Russel.

"Its been so long, you sure look different." Russel says.

"Really how?" You ask.

"Well the new hair" he points at your hair.

You forgot they never saw your hair dyed only it's natural color.

You smile.

"Its been awhile since I've had it this way." You run your fingers through your hair.

"Y/n?" You hear another voice.

"Noodle?" You say.

That girl. It was noodle. Noodle was wearing your shirt.

"That girl was you. Noodle you have changed so much I didn't recognize you. You have grown" you say.

Noodle smiles and has tears down her face. She hugs you and you hug her back. She must of really missed you.

Then you see 2D walk in. You look at him. You feel happy to see him again but also shy.

"2D" you say.

He walks up to you and hugs you.

"I'm so sorry love. I've been trying to talk to ya for years and explain everything." 2D says. He looks pretty bad. He looked more thin than before and had darker rings around his eyes.

You hugged him back.

"What the hell is this place" you hear. Shit Johnny.

Murdoc uncuffs him and he walks toward you again pulling you away from everyone.

"Johnny these are my old friends. Everyone this is Johnny. My boyfriend." You say.

2D looked really sad. You felt bad.

" What are we doing here. You kidnapped us?" Johnny points at murdoc.

"Well yeah." Murdoc says.

"Why. Why are we here. Y/n We are leaving" he says pulling your arm out the door.

Russel steps in the way.

" Y/n is not a child you can let go of her arm" Russel says.

Johnny let's go but looks pissed.

"Johnny I'm staying in this band." You say.

"What?" Johnny says.

"This was my first band. I have to help them with their new album." You say.

"What about out band. Your our singer." Johnny yells.

"I'm sorry." You say.

"No. You're coming back with me." He says grabbing your arm tightly.

"I can't." You say.

"You are not staying." Johnny yells.

"I have to" you say again.

Fuck Johnny is getting mad.

Then out of no where you get slapped.

"Say that again" you hear Johnny say. 

You hold your tender cheek. Not again Johnny.

Russel looked like he had enough and grabs Johnny and leaves the room. You were sure he was gonna kick Johnny out. 

You didn't mind you just had to sit down for a minute everything was happening so fast.

"Your not seeing him anymore right?" 2D asks. You forgot he was still in the room. You thought he had left like noodle and murdoc after Russ.

"Wow what a great question." You say still holding you cheek.

"I'm sorry." 2D says sitting next to you.

You sigh.

"No I guess not. Knowing Johnny he will get another girl to replace me." You say.

"Does your cheek hurt a lot?" He asks.

"A little it burns but I should be fine." You say.

"I really need to talk to you about what happened 2 years ago." 2D says.

"I've been running from this talk for two years. I'm sorry about that. I'll listen now." You say and give him a small smile. Even after those 2 years you missed seeing zombie movies with your best friend.

2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now