Chapter 44

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2D's point of view

I wake up. My arms are wrapped around someone. The person's back facing me. I sit up a little bit making sure to not wake the person I'm holding.

I just have to make sure it's her.

I look. Yeah there she is.

I smile, I haven't smiled this much in ages.

I lay back down and hug my love closer to me. She shifts and faces towards me. Her face being buried in my exposed chest.  I noticed she had that shirt I gave her last night. I kissed her for head and played with her hair.

Feeling y/n's breathing making all the stress I've had fade away. Heck I didn't even smoke yesterday.

This all didn't feel real. I'm scared that this is still a dream. And I never will see y/n. But this feels strange. It had to be real.

I hear y/n whimper. She shakes in my arms. She must being having a bad dream. I hug her closely and sing in her ear. Hoping that will help.

"We are everyday robots on put phones... in the process of getting...."

I continue singing softly to her.

She seems to calm down. I rub her back and she sits up. Her hair is a mess and her eyes still adjusting to the light.

"Bad dream luv?" I say.

She rubs her eyes and looks at me. She smiles, her face being a mixture of happiness and laziness.

She lays back in my arms. She looks dazed as if she was trying to remember her dream.

"Yeah, I've been having bad dreams for a while." She says softly.

Her lips look pink. Most likely cause of the rough kisses from last night.

Thoughts of last night creeped up in my head and made me blush.

"I'm sorry bout that luv, if you ever have another bad dream you can come and cuddle here with me. I'll keep ya safe" I say kissing her head.

As cheesy as it sounded I meant every word. I haven't seen her for 2 years. I don't care if it sounded cliche.

She giggles softly holding my hand and smiling. Her eyes still looking very tired. She had noticeable eyebags but it seemed to make her cuter. With the messy hair as well.

I lean in to give her a kiss, she backs away.

"Sorry morning breath" she says, she seemed embarrassed. 

I kissed her anyway. Morning breathe my ass. I wanted to give my luv a morning kiss. Best way to start off my day.

"Your such a cutie" she says and messes up my hair.

" You too luv" I say.

"What was that song you were singing?" She asks.

"Just this one song from this one artist I enjoy, Damon albarn. He makes music that speaks to me. It's like we are alike" I say.

"Its a good song. I like how you sang it." She yawns.

"You still sleepy?" I ask

"A little, just feel a bit sore" she says.

"I'm sorry maybe I was a little to rough last night." I say feeling bad.

I didn't want to hurt her. I felt really guilty.

She lifts up my head and kisses me softly.

"No it's okay. I'm not hurt." She says with a warm smile.

2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now