Chapter 25

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You wake up on 2D's bed. You wake up with out your shirt and you quickly find your bra and a shirt.

It ended up being 2D's shirt but you didn't think he would mind. You notice.

2d is not here. Where is he. How long did you sleep for you think.

You go ahead and start looking. But something is strange. Every thing seems quiet. You walk down the almost endless has and find it. You hear music. You open the doors.

Wow. This must be the studio murdoc talking about.

"Well how in the bloody hell am I gonna be able to play if I have to record!" You hear someone yelling.

No you knew who that was for sure.


You walk in and see everyone. They all have instruments and murdoc seems to have trouble in the recording process.

You walk in.

"Are you gonna need help?" You ask.

"Oh morning love, yes I need you to figure out how the hell you can record on this thing and edit and shit." Murdoc says banging a fist onto a table.

You go up and look at the buttons. It seemed complicated. But you once had to work this. It was pretty simple. You learned from being in music class from your old school.

"I got this. You guys just play." You say. You sit at a rolling chair.

The buttons seemed complicated but you just worked with it. They were planning on singing a song they had wrote.

They all started playing and singing it was great. But then the perfectionist in you started.

"Murdoc play again"

"2d sing louder and give a happier mood"

You keep telling them.

Then you had it recorded. They had played the song only 7 times.

"Well we been playing that song for a long time, one of them has to turn out right" mudoc says getting a bit mad.

"Okay you guys are done. I'll edit this and tell you guys when it's done." You say.

They all shrug and leave. Expect 2d.

You smile.

"You sounded great stu" you say while editing. 2d still in the recording booth.

He smiles he seems proud.

You play the recordings many times trying to get the best version and then making sure there's nothing out of the ordinary you didn't have to do much. The song was really good.

After a good 30 minutes. And talking with 2d you ask him to call the others.

They all come and you all listen to the song together.

"This is great!" You say. Amazed you really liked the song.

"This is awesome!!" Noodle says

Every one claps.

"Well you sure turned out to be pretty use full" murdoc says and puts his arm around your shoulder. You shrug his arm off.

"Do you guys have another song?" You ask

"We are planning one. It's not completely done. We like the intro but we don't know what to do with it."
Russel says.

You had a idea.

"How about you guys make a video?" You say.

They look at you confused.

"You guys play the song. And try to make stuff up on the way. It's the best way to get creative on the spot. If you get the song figure out it will be your first music video." You say.

"That's not that bad of a idea. Let's do it tomorrow" murdoc says.

"It's still day out why not today?" You ask.

"Cause we have a party to plan" murdoc says.

"Party?" Almost everyone says.

"Why are you planning a goddam party now" Russel says shocked.

"Cause it's boring here and I need a good party. It starts in one hour and it's a costume party. I got all your costumes ready." Murdoc says.

You sigh. Why a costume party of all and in this time.

Is he really that bored he needs a constant party every so often.

You guys follow murdoc. He gets to his room and hands everyone a bag.

"Okay every one these are your costumes. Go ahead and put them on we will meet down stairs to show them off." Mudoc says smiling. It disturbed you.

You went ahead and walked to your room bag in hand.

What costume did he even get me you thought.

You close the door to your room and open the bag.

Okay this is just a no. I'm not wearing this dam costume. You say.

The costume he gave me was the most revealing French maid costume. Or those anime maid costumes. You look at it in disgusted. But you look at the bag. There was the head band it came in and a note.

Hi love, if you don't wear this. I'll let your darling face ache go throw the lovely book of yours.

Love murdoc

He wouldn't! He was the one who grabbed it you thought. Is that why you thought you misplaced it. You look through your bedside table.


My journal is not here. That bastard has it.

You sigh. You have drawings of 2d in there. He might think you're  a massive creep.

You look at the outfit.

You take off your clothes and put on the dress. It was really short it cut off mid thigh so if you bent down. You will expose underwear. Mental note don't bend down you thought.

You go ahead and find your old fish nets in order to have some coverage on your legs. And you but on your shoes. And the head band.

You just hope no one says anything. Most likely they will.

You walk down to meet everyone else down stairs.

You walk down and see everyone they haven't noticed you yet until you reach the bottom of the stairs.

You hear the conversation of mudoc and Russel talking. You over hear words like nazi, cracker ass, and 2d repeatedly saying yeah. For some reason.

Then they notice you and stare.

It's silent.

You regret everything in this exact moment you think.

Murdoc is the true creep you thought.

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