Chapter 16

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2D's Pov.

I'm laying in my bed. Eating those pancakes y/n made me. That was sweet of her.

After I finish I put the tray on my bedside table and lay down. I don't know what to think. I'm mad and sad about Paula. But did I really like her. I don't know. I just went out with her cause she asked. I actually had feelings for y/n. But she looks like she and Brian have been getting along to much.

I'm really torn. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"It's open" I say thinking it would be
Y/n again.

I was surprise to see Russel walk through the door.

"Oh hey Russel" I say sitting up. As Russel comes and sits at the edge of my bed.

"You all right 2D" Russel asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, I heard what you did. Thanks" I say

Yeah I was in my room but I heard murdoc was to his room groaning in pain and holding his nose.

"No problem he deserved it, but I came her to talk with you" he says.

"Sure what's up" I say

"Well, did you ever like that Paula girl she didn't treat you the best didn't she" Russel says.

"Yeah you're right" I say

" I see y/n brought you pancakes, so that's why she made them. She's such a sweetheart" Russel says.

"Yeah she is" I smile. Yeah she really is a sweetheart.

"How did you and y/n meet" Russel asks.

"She had moved in to my town and started going to my school. I was the first one to say hi to her and we became best friends after." I say

It was so long ago but I remember it like it was just a few days ago.

"I see. 2D do you have feelings for
y/n?" Russel asks

"Yeah I do. I went out with paula to try to take my mind off my crush on her but it didn't work" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why didn't you ask her out?" Russel asks

"She was getting closer with this other guy Brian. She could never like me" I say.

"You might never know." Russel smiles.

He gets up and pulls out a small book from his pocket and hands it to me.

"I respect y/n privacy, but I think you really have to read whats in here" Russel says.

What is this y/n's sketch book. I can't look at it. I just can't.

"But she said it's personal. How did you even get this or know about this" I ask.

"Well she talks to me a lot and has told me many things. She showed me What's in the book of hers. You should really look through it." Russel walks away.

I stare at the cover of the book. I don't know should I see What she draws. I don't know. I take a deep breath and open the page. The first thing on the page is her house.

Wow it looks exactly like it.

Then you turn the page and see writing.

Today is the day I move in into my new home. It isn't great looking but finally a place to call my own. I start school tomorrow as well I hope everything goes well. On the bright side the sun sets so pretty here.

She drew this when she moved in. She also writes in here. I felt bad looking through it now. It's like a diary too.

You turn the page and see a drawing of a sunset. And a drawing of me. It's me sitting on a desk. Wait is this what she was doing. I thought she was taking notes.

I turn the page

Today I went to school. It was great I made a new friend. His name is Stu. Well I hope he thinks were friends. He's really cute. I like his blue hair.
And then I met Brian he bought me a cookie. I gave it to Stu his stomach growled during class. I think I might have a crush on him. How silly of me to have a crush on the first person you meet.

Wow. She liked me.

I turn the page.

She wrote and drew many of our best moments. I never knew she was doing this. She also kept all the photos she took of us and me.

I see this page that sticks out. It's me shirt less. When did this happen.

I feel guilty. The car hit Stu in the head. He can't walk on his own really now. I let him sleep on my bed and then I had to feed him cereal. It was cute but he spilled milk on his shirt. I had to take it off and change him. I really shouldn't be doing this. Where the hell is Paula. She hasn't even come to check on Stu. She's such a jerk. I was write about the shirt it's a little to big on him. I just hope Stu gets better.

When I got hurt Paula never checked on me? Why didn't y/n tell me this. And y/n took care of me. When I couldn't do anything.

Does she really like me that much.

Stu is better now. He doesn't have his eyes anymore well he does but they are black. I still think he looks rather cute. He asked for Paula and told him she had been worried. After everything he's been through I don't wanna get him more upset and tell him his girlfriend didn't give a shit. I feel bad for lying to him. At least he looks a bit happier.

Oh y/n I never knew you felt this way. I feel like such a idiot. I look at more drawings. And see a heart and our names inside it. She really did like me. What should I do I thought. Maybe I should talk to her?

I get up and out of bed. I then walk to y/n's room. I open the door and she's sleeping on her bed. I place her sketch book on her table and walk out. I should tell her tomorrow.

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