Chapter 10

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You walk through the doors. And it smells inside. You knew you were gonna have to do something about that cause it was gonna bother you.

You walked in and waited for the others. They walked in talking about some nonsense. 2D didn't seem happy tho.

"Okay well here I'll show you your rooms." You walked with them.

The hallways were long. And just as messy as the rest of this place.

"Okay y/n this will be your room" murdoc says.

You open your door and the others walk to their rooms. Murdoc and Paula chatted a storm. And 2D just walked behind them.

Your room had a simple bed. And a closet. You placed your box on the bed and started unpacking. You placed your couple of photos above your bed. And you took out your pillow and blanket and fixed your bed up.

And you put your clothes in your closet. You layed on your bed and your done. You took out your sketch book and draw 2D. Now with his two black eyes. His still was pretty cute you thought. You walk out placing your book on the bed and walk towards a open door down the hall. You see 2D unpacking. Paula and murdoc no where to be found.

"You need some help" you ask leaving against the door.

He turns back.

"Yeah I do actually. Can you help me rearrange my room. You always had a cool room." He says

"Of course" you walk in and help.

You guys move his bed to the corner and then in pack. Hang his clothes and place his keyboard in one corner of the room.

"Hey, I brought my zombie movies with me do you wanna watch some later?"You ask

2D nods and you to walk to your room. You leave the door open and unpack your movies.

Murdoc walks in with Paula.

"Hey murdoc, by any chance do you have a extra tv? I wanna play some of my movies." You ask murdoc.

"Yeah I do love, it's in the back of your closet if you can reach it." He says

"Oh so that's what it is. Cool I'll get it out" you stand up.

You grab the tv and set it up. Paula and murdoc seem to be almost cuddling together and 2D just sits next to them. Awkward. You play the movie and sit next to 2D.

You and him both yell at the tv wanting the zombies to eat as much people as they can.

"Send more cops" you and 2D say together in a zombie voice.

You laugh together and awe in the zombie effects.

"So 2D are you taking me to the school dance?" Paula asks kicking 2D not enough to throw him but enough to leave a bruise.

You forgot that the dance is tomorrow. And you were like shit. Brian. You were gonna have to call him later.

"You wanna go to that dance love. We can go. Are you going y/n?" 2D asks looking at you. And slightly rubbing his back where Paula had kicked him.

It must of hurt she wears heels.

"Yeah I'm going" you say starting at the tv.

"You're really going hun. But no boy will ask you. How are you gonna find a boy desperate enough." Paula laughed at her response.

"Actually Brian asked me" you said coldly.

"Brian? He's the cutest guy at school. You are such a liar." Paula rolls her eyes.

"Come on murdoc show me wear the beer is around here" she stands up and walks out the door. Murdoc following behind.

"I'll show you were it is baby" murdoc replies in a sickly sweet voice.

You felt like gagging. You and 2D sat there silently.

"So you asked brian?" 2D asked. Something about his voice seemed sad. Well his girlfriend just left drinking with a random guy would blame him.

"Actually Brian asked me." You say.

The movie goes by and after a few minutes you took out your book ripped a page and started drawing.

You ripped a page so you could give the drawing to 2D. You look at him smiling.

"Okay smile, you want your drawing don't you?" You giggle.

He gives a cute smile and you start drawing he tells you what he wants to wear. And you draw Paula.

2Ds face was cute. You wish you could keep it but it's would be strange keeping a drawing of the guy you like and his girlfriend.

You give to him. He was shocked.

"Wow it looks like us!" He says smiling.

"You got my outfit perfect and it looks so real how did you do this." 2D says in awe.

" thanks" you blushed. He was sweet as ever.

You blush and look into his black eyes. Even if they were black. You thought you saw a sparkle in those eyes of his.

He gets closer to your face. The two of you starting at each other. Your lips just a breathe away. You felt his hot breathe against your lips.

"It's getting pretty late I should get going" 2D says. He stands up quickly and walk away.

You close you door and lock it.

You crash onto your bed and sigh.

Fuck y/n. What are you doing.

You let yourself lose. And felt tears roll down your face. You really did mess up you thought.

You pick up your sketch book you had left on the floor.

You couldn't help but redraw that silly smile. And draw the face he had when you guys were so close to each other.

Maybe you should just forget about it. You have to pick out a dress for tomorrow. You have never worn a dress so that should be new. You get out of your room and go down stairs and see murdoc and Paula drinking in the kitchen.

"Hey murdoc can you take me to the store tomorrow? You ask.

"Of course love anything you want"he says drunk. He seems nicer tho.

You just nod and thank him and go back to your room. You seem 2Ds room. His door closed. You wonder what he's doing. You go in your room write a quick note.

Um hey sorry. I just was trying to look at your eyes. You know. And I was wondering why they turned black.

You know it was a sad excuse but maybe it could work. You walk outside and slip the note under his door. And walk back to you room. Time to sleep you thought.

2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now