Chapter 15

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"You all right?" You ask 2D.

He shakes his head as if he just got pulled out of a day dream.

"Yeah I'm fine." He replies.

You look around you don't see Paula and murdoc. It was strange you saw one of them just a few minutes ago.

"You can't find Paula?" You ask

"No I can't find her" he says sighing.

She really is a crap girlfriend.

"Get up let's go find her together." You say pulling 2Ds hand.

He gets up and you two start walking around. You searched a couple of rooms but nothing.

It wasn't until 2D needed to go to the bathroom. You heard sounds. Moans. You felt awkward. Is that coming from the bathroom you thought.

"Do you hear that?" You ask.

2D goes into the bathroom. You stay behind and you hear him yelling. Then him running out of the bathroom looking like he was gonna cry.

You run to him and you see him lock the door of his room and you hear him crying.

You knock on the door.

"2D it's y/n please open the door." You say gently.

No answer. You knock again.

"Please Stu. Open up. I'm here for you. You know that." You say again.

You hear 2D get up and unlock the door. You open it and see 2D crying and getting into his bed.

You sat on the bed.

"You wanna talk?" You ask.

You rub his head and he just hugs you and cries. You run his back trying to make him relax.

Then he tells you want he saw. Murdoc doing his girlfriend on the toilets. You were gonna kill her for making 2D cry like this.

You held him close. You felt his tears hit your shirt. You just ran your hands through his hair and tried talking to him. After a while he was able to calm down and you made him sleep. It was a long day he needed sleep. You tucked him in and kissed his forehead. Then turned off the lights and started running out the door. You were gonna find that bitch.

You ran through the whole party. Looking for her. Russel saw this and started to follow you. Wondering what was wrong. You saw Paula and murdoc sitting on a couch.

You jumped go Paula and punched her in the face.

You yelled. "You bitch you're gonna pay" you started to punch her more and Russel picked you up and got you away from her.

"Y/n what the hell has gotten into you." Russel says.

"Murdoc and Paula were fucking on the toilets. She broke 2Ds heart I'm gonna give her what she deserves." You yell.

Russel gives murdoc a look and looks back down at you.

"Y/n go back up stairs and go to your room I'll handle this." Russel says

You didn't question him you stormed off eyeing Paula. Once Russel thought you were gone you hid and saw Russel punch murdoc in the face.

Then asking Paula to leave.

You walked to your room and laid in bed. Poor Stu. You thought. I hope he's okay.

You fall asleep.

Once you wake up you see the sun is barley rising. You get up and quickly go down stairs and start making pancakes. You make 20 and grab 4 of the best ones. And leave a note out say Russel can have the rest.

You grab your pancakes and a fork with syrup and a glass of chocolate milk. All in a tray. And knock on 2Ds door.

Yes you brought him feel better breakfast. You had too. You felt bad for him.

"Who is it?" You hear 2D say from the other side of the door.

"It's y/n" You say.

"Door is open" he says

You walk inside and see 2D. Still in his bed and crying. His eyes red and puffy. You smile at him to try and get him happy.

" I brought you pancakes" you say setting the tray on his bedside table.

"They smell great thanks" he says with a light smile.

You pat his head and sit and he starts eating.

At least he's eating. You thought.

"You know I thought I loved her." 2D says.

"What do you mean?" You ask

"I tried loving her. But I just couldn't I was a idiot for thinking she could love me as well" 2D whispers

"You're not a idiot. You're a great person and deserve better" you say

He smiles.

"You really think that" he looks at you. Those eyes. Filled with so much hurt.

You grab his hand with both of yours.

"Of course I do Stu. You're a great guy and any girl would be lucky to be with you." You smile.

He blushes and eats the rest of his pancakes.

You get up.

" if you need anything just ask. I'm always here for you okay." You say smiling and giving him a hug.

You walk out the door. And see Russel.

"Thanks for the pancakes y/n. They were delicious. But that's no excuse for what you did yesterday." Russel say with a serious tone at the end.

" I'm sorry." You say. Feeling guilty.

"It's okay. But dam talk about one punch one kill. I need to talk to 2D. Is it okay with you." Russel asks.

You nod and walk to your room. You look for your sketchbook the fuck. It's not here anymore. Did you miss place it again. You really are going insane you thought.

You just lay in bed and think about 2D. What could he and Russel be talking about you wonder. You wanted to go and listen. But you knee Russel is smart and sharp. He most likely would of heard you trying to spy into their conversation. And you didn't want 2D to think that about you. That you were a gossip.

It still made you wonder. Yeah 2D and Russel are close friends.

What do they talk about.

You just let yourself dip into sleep. Yeah you needed a nap.

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