Chapter 32

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(An. The top vid. You won't regret it I promise it's so funny. Someone can do a impression of murdoc and 2D. Talent. )

I week had passed and sure enough the whole band had recorded their first album.

The name of it. Gorillaz.

Not gonna be confusing at all you thought.

You already picked out 2 other songs that you felt would make a good video.

You had a couple ideas.

You were working in your room looking for places to film. And what you would need.

2D walks in your room. Of course after knocking.

"Hey" he says.

"Hi" you say back.

You were feeling kinda depressed so you didn't feel like being around anyone really. Stu. He didn't understand that as much. Thought you were mad at him. But he's getting a lot better with it now.

"You got any bright ideas" he asks sitting next to you.

"Two main ideas" you say.

You pull out your computer and show this road. This crazy cause it has a loop.

"Wow. Is that real?" He asks.

"Sure is. And not far. Would be cool to have you sing while your driving in a car.

2D seemed interested in the idea.

"You guys don't have a car that would look nice to film. Right?" You ask

"Well we do have one car. But that's murdocs." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

You get up.

"I'll ask him. It would be cool to make that video. And then for the second idea why not a street vid. You guys talk in the street."

"Which songs you wanna use or think would work?" 2D asks laying down on your bed, he sure looks tired.

"Well tomorrow comes another day, and 19-2000. I'm sure they will do great. Plus murdoc has already put the album online they seem the most popular." You say.

"What! He put the whole album online already." 2D says sitting up and sweating.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" You ask sitting next to him rubbing his back to calm him down.

"I guess I'm a bit nervous." He says with a slight giggle trying to calm his nerves.

"It's okay. It's doing really well people love your voice" you say.

"You think so." He asks

"I know so." You say and kiss his forehead.

You stand up and then mess up his hair.

"I have to talk to murdoc we are gonna publish the video today. And then start working on the two new ones." You say.

2D smiles.

"Get some sleep, I'll bring you some tea for your voice. It sounds a bit off." You say. Walking towards the door.

As you walk out you hear 2D yell, "make it a peppermint tea please" .

You yell back okay.

You guys would upload in a few hours. You hope that it would be a great way to let everyone know the band. The first look of the band. Has to be great.

You walk down to murdocs room.

You knock on the door.

"Murdoc we need to talk." You yell.

After waiting for a few minutes you open the door.

"Murdoc I swear you better have pants on."You say. But murdoc wasn't in his room. It was vacant. You sighed.

He must be in the Winnebago. Ever since he got it back from his old place he has slept there for days.

It was creepy and it smelled pretty awful.

You walk down to the garage, that car 2D was talking about was here. And your car you had gotten a few weeks ago.

You walk to the dam trailer.

"Murdoc we need to talk." You say.

"Come in love." Murdoc says.

You open the door and it smelled like achocol. Pretty bad. Maybe as bad as 2Ds room which smells like cigarettes.

"Have you been drinking again." You say.

"Yeah I have what's the problem with it." Murdoc slurs.

"Well I'm gonna upload the video soon. And I have some ideas for the other 2. I think we should work on soon."

After murdoc uploaded the whole album online he made you in charge of the website and channel.

You didn't mind you enjoyed making gorillaz be more known.

You had already made them a album cover for the mean time.

"Well I have some ideas for the new video. And one of them is-" you say until murdoc cut you off.

"Yeah well do what ever, are we done now." Murdoc groaned.

He seemed to have a headache. He always does that wierd groan when he's in pain.

You nodded and left. Everyone seemed wiped out. They had recorded a new album so it made sense.

As you walk to your room. You get a phone call.

You pick it up.

"Hello?" You say opening the door seeing 2D asleep on your bed.

"Y/n? Are you ready for the party?" You hear the voice in the other end.

Shit it was Brian. You forgot all about that party he had invited you too.

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna leave right now actually." You say trying to lie.

"Awesome. Sorry to ask but the band we had failed on us. Can you come and sing?" Brian asks.

"Sing? Me?" You say.

"Yeah, you're great. Plus I can help play guitar if you need help." Brian says with a chuckle.

"Okay I won't let you down I'll be there soon." You say. You hang up the phone and 2D heard you.

He was rubbing his eyes still trying to wake up his eyes.

You quickly look through your closet and find a black long sleeve dress.

You take off your shirt and pants putting on the dress quickly. Not even caring 2D would see you. And yeah he did. He was blushing madly but you were in a rush.

"The party with brain I forgot it. Are you coming or nah?" You ask putting on your black wedges.

"Sure I'll go should I change?" 2D asks.

"No! Come on let's go. I have to ask if the others wanna go." You say holding 2Ds arm and pulling him out of bed.

You walk down the hall to noodles room.

"Noodle. Party. You coming." You yell noodle smiles and nods.

"My car be there I'll get Russel you ask murdoc if he wants to go." You say shilling holding 2Ds hand.

Noodle smiles. And runs down to the elevator.

You run to Russels room. "Russel party wanna come?" You ask.

You open his door. You made him jump a little if you were murdoc or 2D he would of maybe had punched you.

"I'm okay. Have fun." He says going back to sleep.

"Okay will save you cake." You yell as you close the door and run down stairs to your car.

"Sorry for being in a hurry I forgot about that party." You say.

" It's cute seeing you like this" 2D says smiling.

You stick your tongue out at him and open your car door seeing noodle and murdoc in the back seat.

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