Chapter 66

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"Stu!" You yelled shaking him. He was passed out and you were so terrified. Water was leaking into the room. You were terrified. You heard the sound of gunshots and planes everywhere. You shook Stu harder.

"STU!" you said and he woke up sitting up automatically. He looked at you his sleepy face turning into one of worried. He heard the sounds of water filling the room and then the gunshots.

He stood up getting off the bed and heading towards the door. He grabbed your wrist making you follow him. You looked at the ground seeing the water was at your ankles. Stu turn the door knob locked. Murdoc always locked it.

"Shit. Where gonna get out of here okay luv." 2D says trying to calm you down. You felt a bit better.

"Promise?" You said

2D looked at you. "I promise, and when we get out of here luv. I promise we will have a good life just the two of us." He says trying to pick the lock.  

He tried a few more times but you could tell it wouldn't work.
You felt tears in your eyes, you were terrified.

You looked back at the window seeing the faint sight of something growing. You knew what it was and tried to make Stu turn around.

"Stu don't look at the window. If we get something heavy maybe we can break the door" you say looking around.

You grabbed the heaviest object you can find and started hitting the door with it. It wouldn't budge. You kept hitting it tears forming in your eyes. It was working you felt it.

2D was trying to patch the hole that made the water enter the room. Then a second hole was made. After that a third hole. Filling the room much faster.

The water was up to your knees. 2D being tall his was still up to calves. You started yelling for murdoc hoping that he could help in some way.

After hitting the door many times, the water had filled up to your chest. It reached stu's waist.

You hugged him giving up.

"I'm sorry Stu" you said sobbing.

"No luv, we are getting out of here. I promise." He says grinning your hand tightly. Hitting the door. Which was starting to bend. Which gave you a small glimpse of hope.

But it didn't work. The water was up to your neck and you had to start swimming in order to stay above the water.

2D couldn't hit the door anymore. It was completely underwater. And the water slowed down the impact of every hit. So it wouldn't so any damage to the door.

He looked at your tear stained face and let some tears stream down his face as well. Your heartached. You accepted your fate and as selfish and it was you were thankful you wouldn't die alone.

"I love you." You say hugging him. Hugging him tightly. Your tears hitting his shirt like bullets.

"I love you too, so much luv. You're my everything ya know that?" He said. You nodded. Your tears coming down harder.

"This is the end." You say not trying to believe it. You hope that you would wake up and be back at kong. And sleeping next to Stu telling him about your bad dream. You kept telling yourself. Wake up. Wake up.

"Look at me luv" he said his hands on your face, you looked back at your love. It hurt seeing him like this. He looked like he had accepted death. But he looked like he was thankful he wouldn't die alone. Or die without showing you how much he loved you.  He kissed you. You kissed back. It was passionate telling you how much he loved you. You hugged his neck tightly and he hugged your waist. Pulling you close to him. Then you heard a loud crash.

There was a giant hole in the room. Big enough for both of you to fit in. You got a idea in your head.

"Stu, if we get out of here we can swim to the surface. And get your boat." You say 2D nods at you and you guys head out.

Holding your breath and swimming through the floating trash. You noticed the whale that was eating the trash. Most likely looking for 2D. You made sure 2D kept swimming, making sure he didn't look back and noticed the whale.

You two made it to the surface. Both catching your breath. You looked around to see where exactly you were  Plastic beach was toward the distance. It didn't look good. You saw the many planes shooting at the island. You hoped murdoc was okay and especially the collaboraters who were still on the beach. But you knew cyborg noodle would protect them. You two were swimming in the middle of the ocean. You looked around trying to find anything to get on. You noticed a strange object sticking out of the water. It looked like a boat that had been flipped.

"My boat!" You hear 2D yell and start swimming toward his boat. It was a good swim but anything to be on a boat. 2D got on the boat and helped you up. You hugged your knees and tried to catch your breath.

"Y/n?" 2D said. Starting to row away from here.

You nod.

"Let's get out of here. Start a new life together." He says looking pretty nervous.

You smiled brightly and laid down feeling pretty sleepy. You didn't fall asleep but just laid down needing some rest. You were scared thinking that you might of drowned again.

"Would you like to get married luv?" He asked.

"Are you proposing?" You said nervous. Your heart spreading up.

"No." He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh" you frowned.

"No luv. I'm not asking you now. I wanna ask you when time is right and special. I just wanna know if I did ask you. Would you say yes?" He says

You smiled at him and gave him a kiss. He kissed back you felt him smile into the kiss.

"I love you" you say.

"Me too" he says rowing. The sky was becoming dark and you were growing cold. 2D and you hugged a lot. Trying to keep warm. Your clothes were still drench.


Anyway this is a cute pic of the boy himself .

Anyway this is a cute pic of the boy himself

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2D x Reader: The Story Of My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now