
426 16 6

Word count: 1,605

"Uncle, Zuko is still ignoring me."

Today is a beautiful new day, and I have officially been on board for a week. It's chilly, but the sky is crystal clear, and it makes me feel, I don't know, free? Like my energy with this atmosphere and this weather is just great! We've stopped sailing because the ship needs some repairs, so we've stopped at- honestly, I don't know where. We're at some harbor, and though it is chilly today, it's not nearly as cold as it was in the South Pole.

Aang damaged our ship pretty bad, but I don't really care. I'm actually really proud of him- don't tell Zuko I said that. Seeing Aang like that... I've never seen such power. Ugh, I wish I was with him and Sokka and Katara, but I know I have to stay with uncle and Zuko. I bet they're having way more fun than me right now. They get to fly around on Appa and probably tell jokes and share stories, I bet Aang has some great ones! Sure I have uncle who's the best, and I have gotten acquainted with some of the crew, but Zuko is awful! I know I said I'd try to get along with him, but he is always in a bad mood.

Zuko hasn't really said much to me, especially since I went against him and helped the Avatar escape (let's just forget about that one), but we've eaten dinner together, with uncle of course. I've watched him train and he hasn't threatened to throw me overboard- All good signs! Which is thanks to uncle. I think uncle is the only one he listens to, and he didn't let Zuko kick me off the ship, or ya know, kill me.

"He's still getting use to you. Don't let it bother you, it is such a beautiful day, let's all enjoy it."

"I'm not talking to her because she left me danging from the ship. I was hanging there for hours! And she helped the Avatar escape!" Zuko exclaims.

It was 10 minutes, but ok.

"Lighten up, nephew. She was only trying to help her friend, and you did firebend at her face," uncle states matter of factly. "I promise that she won't get in the way of your search for the Avatar."

Hm, we'll see about that.

"Shush up, uncle. I don't want anyone knowing that the Avatar is alive. If anyone were to find out-"

"If anyone where to find out what?"

Zuko was cut off by a tall middle aged man with bushy eyebrows, a pointy beard, weird sideburns, and his hair slicked back in a small bun. He smells of cigars and musty man cologne.

"Um, Commander Zhao. What a surprise."

I've never seen Zuko like this. It's like he dialed back his energy by 1,000. Should I be scared, too?

"So, what brings you into my docks?" The man asks.

"Our boat needs some repairs," Zuko answers.

"That sure is a lot of damage."

"Yes! We crashed and um.. uncle?"

"Yes, we crashed into a wall! Because of... Kimi! Yes, this is Kimi, I've taken her in. She's now traveling with us."

Excuse me? Why did he put this on me?

"That's exactly what happened. I was playing a trick on the captain and I scared him. He uh uh... bumped into the wheel and the boat turned into a... Um, wall?" I play along, but I am not happy about it.

"Hmm, interesting. Why don't you join me for dinner? I'd love to hear more about your adventures, Prince Zuko. And bring your lovely friend."

The old man takes my hand and places a wet kiss on my knuckles.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now