Sozin's Comet: Old Masters

194 7 2

word count: 2,445

Ok, Coco, it's almost over. Attacking on the day of black sun didn't go as planned, but everything will work out now. Zuko is on our side, Aang will fight Ozai, and this war will be over. Then Zuko and I will finally go on our date, and everything will be fine... I hope.

"Hey, Buddy, time to go."

I walk into Aang's room to wake him. It's been a stressful few days for him, so the Gaang let him sleep in before we start our journey to Ozai. I feel bad for the kid, he really has a lot on his plate. As an airbender, we're taught that every life is sacred. So when Aang realized he has to take the firelord's life, well, it really bothered him. I understand, but no one else seems to. Maybe it's because I'm an airbender and I'm really starting to adapt to their soft spirited nature. I can't even imagine how Aang is feeling knowing he has to take someone's life. It's like the relationship I have with Azula. As evil as she is, and as much as I hate her, I don't think I could kill her.

I decided to wake Aang. I'm really the only one who truly understands why he's struggling, and I don't think he wants to deal with anyone else right now, not even Katara.


"Why didn't you tell me about your dad's crazy plan?!" Aang yells at Zuko.

"Hey!" I cut in. "This is not Zuko's fault. We're all suppose to be a team, but you didn't tell him or even me that you were planning to wait until after the comet arrives!"

I look around at the group, they don't say anything. I'm not trying to make them feel bad, but they can't sit here and take out their frustrations on Zuko. Their miscommunication is why we're in this mess in the first place. And I'm sorry, but what did they expect? For Ozai to just sit on his butt while the comet passes? Do they not remember what his grandfather did with the last one? He wiped out the air nomads!

"Listen," I start. "I'm sorry I snapped, but what did you all expect? Ozai to just sit around on the day of the comet? Sozin took out our people, Aang. What did you think they were going to do this time around?"

"This is bad, this is really bad," Aang says as he starts to freak out.

I do feel bad for snapping, but not for what I said. It's true. So were they not just going to tell us? Even before Zuko told me his father's plan, common sense says that Ozai is going to use the comet to his advantage.

"You didn't have to do that back there," Zuko whispers as we walk back into the house.

"I did. They were the one's who didn't tell you or me about Aang waiting. I just- I don't want you to feel the way you did when I first started traveling with you and uncle. I want you to know that you're a great addition to our group, and I- we genuinely appreciate you."

"Oh, um," he coughs awkwardly. "Thanks, I appreciate you guys, too."


"I know you're really confused and scared, but you-"

Where is he?

...and where is Momo!?

Before I went to bed last night, I saw Aang sitting here on the balcony. I didn't bother him because he was meditating. I figured he fell asleep here since his room is empty, but there's no sign of him. Ok, I'm getting nervous. My palms are getting sweaty and I can feel my face warming up, but I need to stay calm.

Maybe he's in the bathroom.

I walk to the bathroom in the hallway and knock on the door.

"Aang buddy, you in here?" I ask, but no answer.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now