The Boiling Rock

197 8 2

A/n my favorite chapter!

word count: 3,421



Prison is awful.

I just got my fifth tattoo and joined a gang!




Just kidding. The first few days of prison were terrible as expected. I mean, it is a prison in the middle of a boiling lake, so what do you expect? I was scared, this place is actually boiling hot, hence the name, the prison outfits are ugly, and my brother and I were separated the minute we arrived. I was forced into a temporary empty dark cell. Luckily I didn't have a prison mate at that time, so I cried, and I cried a lot. I talked to my mom and told her how scared I was. I still can't get into the spirit world, so I'm not sure if she even heard me. I'm not sure about anything anymore. This isn't the most spiritual place. I came here so my brother and I wouldn't be apart anymore, but here we are, I'm still alone.

Life in prison became bearable when I was moved into my permanent cell. I have yet to have at least a conversation with my brother, I only see him when myself or him are on cleaning duty, but I have an amazing roommate who is really nice and comforts me when she sees that I'm nervous or scared. She's also amazing in combat, so no one really messes with me when I'm around her. Even though a lot of the inmates are actually nice. A lot of them are here for the same reason I am; to end this war. Sure there are some who aren't nice, but to be fair, a war does change people.

My brother was right about everything, these guards are ruthless. They take advantage of their power and use their title to bully the inmates. All of the rumors about this place are true, and it's all thanks to the guards. I hate when I'm put on cleaning duty because they purposely make sure my friend and I are not scheduled together so they can mess with me. They think because I'm the youngest one here and small that I'm scared of them and they can use me as their punching bag. Well, I guess they are right, I am scared of them. I hate that I am. I give them the satisfaction of knowing that I am terrified of them hurting me, killing me, and I shouldn't. I should be strong like my friends, my brother, even my dad who willingly stayed in Ba Sing Se with Azula, but I'm not. I'm scared of them, because if Patyn told them I'm an airbender, they can all gang up on me and do anything they want to me, or maybe worse, turn me into Ozai himself. They've been conditioned to hate anyone who's not a firebender, and it's disgusting. I hate that my nation is the epitome of hatred and evil. When I was younger, I knew the Fire Nation was bad, mostly because of how bad Ozai let the lower class fall, but actually seeing what he and his forefathers have done to the other nations up close and personal, especially the Air Nation, it's worse than I've ever imagined. The worst part is, a lot of the Fire Nation citizens are still oblivious to what our nation has done, just like the Ba Sing Se was. It's all propaganda.

"Hey, you," I greet my roommate.

I walk into our cell, grab the pin uncle gave me, and clip it on to the left of my waistband. I then cover it with my shirt. I came up with this routine because we're not allowed to possess any personal belongings in here. My hair has grown out a lot these past few months, just a few more inches and my curly locks will reach past my shoulders, so I really could use my hair clip right now, but I can't. I'd be devastated if they took it.

"Hey, so I'm guessing you're on cleaning duty today."

"Yep. I also have to make lunch, mop up the cafeteria, sweep the courtyard, and clean the toilets, bleh!" I cringe.

"Full schedule I see. Well I'm mopping up today, too, but only during lunchtime. Remember, don't let them intimidate you. Stand tall, and square your shoulders, just like I taught you." She says with a smile.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now