The Ember Island Players

236 7 2

word count: 2,411



Hiding out from the firelord in his vacation home is pretty chaotic, don't ya think? But Zuko said that his family hasn't been here in years, so no one will ever suspect us being here. At least I can say I've finally been to Ember Island... I know I shouldn't be feeling bad for myself, it's just been really hard lately. I'm trying to get back to a more positive perspective. It's just been really hard without uncle and my father... and now Li is gone, too.

We were doing fine living in the air temple until Azula showed up again. God, she's insane. She almost blew the entire Air Temple off the mountainside! Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zuko, and I luckily escaped on Appa. What sucks is that everyone else, including my brother, had to escape through the tunnels. I shake my head just thinking about it. Separated yet again, that's what I was trying to avoid, which is why I surrendered the first time and was sent to the Boiling Rock!

Now that I know I'm an airbender, I really appreciate the air bending culture a lot more, and I know how important it is to protect all we have left of it, so when Azula attacked the Air Temple, it was awful, and it didn't just make me sad, it made me furious. These temples did nothing to her, they're apart of history, and it's really sad that they're trying to erase it. Why does the Fire Nation get to celebrate their history but no one else can? Why is it fair that they're able to celebrate their culture, but we, the other three nations, have to have ours wiped from existence? It's not fair!

Since our little chat, Zuko and I have been great!





Just kidding! We're not doing horrible just, I dont know... weird? Zuko has always been awkward, but this is just on another level. Maybe because I kind of threatened his life? One minute he's being all lovey dovey and really trying to prove to me he's changed. Then he gets quiet, walks away, and ignores me for the rest of the day. I mean, of course we've talked since then, but he just puts me in very awkward situations sometimes. I talked to Toph about it because anyone else would not have worked. Katara and Aang have their own issues, and they obviously like each other. Katara is just now starting to forgive Zuko, so I feel like she'll still have some hostility towards him, or she'll most likely tell me to just be careful and everything will be fine, which I do not want to hear. Sokka has been in a daze since reuniting with Suki and vise versa, so they're useless, too! I could've talked to Appa, but I actually need some feedback this time, so Toph was my only option.

My heart is telling me to trust Zuko, but my mind is telling me he'll just betray me again. Am I a fool to let him back in? I know it's crazy to miss those days of uncle, Zuko, and I being fugitives, but I do. I know it doesn't make sense, but nothing does these days. So yeah, even though Toph is young, she's really smart, and I appreciate her letting me vent, all while holding nothing back.

It's been... Odd, really, to say the least. Katara was finally able to confront the man who killed her mother. I've never seen Katara like that. I of course don't agree with everything that was said, like her telling Sokka he didn't love their mother like she does just because he didn't agree with her killing that man, which I agree with, but I do feel like facing him was good for her. I went with Katara and Zuko that night, and I got to see just how much rage and anger she had in her. I've never experienced anything like that before. The power that Katara possesses is immense. Of course she didn't kill him, but the fear Katara put into his heart was worse than the grave. Not only was she able to stop the rain, but.. Katara can bend the blood in a person's body.

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