The Siege of the North

216 9 4

Word count: 1,661


Everything changed so quickly.

I went from sailing with a nice old man who treats me like his own on a huge ship, belonging to the Prince of the Fire Nation, to sailing on a piece of drift wood fighting for my life. Actually, it's a small, rickety boat we 'found' at the North Pole- I'm sure they won't miss it. I went from having a best friend who had my back, and I his, to him having to leave me behind, and I went from having a boyfriend who I really liked and did everything to make me it work, to being dumped... and having to battle him as not even a basic level airbender. The memories of that terrible day have been replaying in my head over and over and over again, haunting me. I want it to stop, to go away, but here we go again...

I decided to take a walk around the ship. My thoughts are running wild. Zuko is planning on capturing the Avatar, and I am conflicted about the entire thing. I know my duty is to be with Zuko, but if he actually captures Aang, what will I do? I know what I saif before, but Zhao tried to kill Zuko. He's angrier than ever, and now Zuko wants Aang more than ever!  Zuko is my friend, but I'm desperate for this war to end, and I'm afraid if things go wrong.. well, my destiny won't matter anymore.

I walk the deck hoping for some time to myself, and to relax a bit, but I can't. Of course I can't. Zhao's here, and so is uncle. Of course I don't mind being with uncle, but it's Zhao who's the real issue here. They haven't notice me yet, so instead of making my presence known, I just stand there listening to their conversation.

Zhao is a sick and twisted man, and I am disgusted by him. He wants to ruin the entire world, and all for what? So he can be remembered as the man who took out a whole nation, ruined the lives of others, and messed with the balance of the world?

Zhao speaks on the ocean and the moon spirit, and how they left the spirit world and came to the physical world. And because he's sick and twisted, he will be the one to get rid of the moon. Therefore, when he attacks the water tribe, they'll be helpless. No moon, no bending.

'...He's going to kill the moon...' I think to myself.

He's delusional. I'm not a master airbender, I'm not even good, but still, I'll do anything to stop him. Not only will this go terribly wrong for the watertribe, it'll throw the entire world out of balance! I don't think anyone will survive.


The North Pole is beautiful, but they're destroying it. The sound of war fill my ears to the brim. Their once beautiful streets made of ice and snow are now on the verge of breaking, and is littered with the footsteps of Fire Nation soldiers. It breaks my heart that my homeland, my people, are doing this.

I saw Zuko run off awhile ago, I have no idea where uncle is, and Wang decided to go undercover and get as many people to safety as possible. It's just me, and I have to do whatever I can to stop these people.

I run around knocking soldiers into the water, and pushing them out towards the ocean with the two simple airbending moves I taught myself. I'm nowhere near a master, and I'll probably never be as good as Aang, but when you have a passion for something, and this much anger built up inside of you, because of the frustrations of living in a world that has been scarred and ruined by war, it can take you a long way. I must've gotten rid of a dozen soldiers! With my back turned and my mind focused on helping these people, I'm interrupted by someone shouting my name. Oh no-


I stand there stiff as a board. What do I do? I fidget with my hands, and a bead of sweat drips down my forehead despite the freezing temperature.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now