Crossroads of Destiny

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Word Count: 3,861


I didn't know what uncle's plan was. I was more concerned about Zuko. I was afraid what Azula would do to him, where she'd take him. If she shipped him back home, his father would kill him for sure. Look at what he did to him as a child. His own father scarred him, a 13 year old boy. He would for sure kill Zuko, especially after chasing him around for so long. We were fugitives, enemies of the Fire Nation, and I guess now we're enemies of the Earth Kingdom- or maybe just Ba Sing Se, I don't know.

Uncle and I captured one of the Dai Li agents who apparently knew the inside scoop on Azula's next move. Capturing a Dai Li agent was both thrilling and the most terrifying thing I've ever done. Surprisingly, the man was absolutely petrified. He didn't even put up much of a fight. His eyes were wide with terror, and his hands shook like a leaf in the wind. We tied his hands together and taped his mouth shut. Uncle and I pushed him to walk.

'No way am I carrying a grown man,' I remember thinking.

When we arrived at our destination, I decided to stay out front with our 'prisoner' to make sure he didn't escape. We arrived at a house. I had no clue who we were going to see. Sure we made acquaintances because of our tea shop, but we didn't go over to anyone's house.

Uncle was let in just a few seconds later by a tall slender figure, I couldn't make out their face. Uncle gave me a nod, letting me know he'd be back in a moment. I wasn't worried about him. Last time something like this happened, we were starting a new life here in the city.

'Maybe it's more White Lotus business,' I thought.

I didn't know where we were to be honest. All I knew was, I wanted Zuko. I needed to know he was ok, that Azula didn't hurt him. It was all too much, and it felt like the whole world was on my shoulders. I couldn't go back to my own home because I'm a fugitive, my mother was alive and I didn't even know how, I still don't! My ex boyfriend tried to kill me for crying out loud! I don't know how I survived. The Dai Li was my biggest fear, I was terrified of them, and yet somehow I managed to babysit one without completely losing it.

I silently sat on the porch and hummed to myself until I heard the creak of the door opening. I turned around to see who's house uncle took us to.

"Aang? Sokka? Toph?"

I was met with the confused faces of my three friends. I was excited to see them of course, but due to the circumstances, I was also highly confused as to why uncle brought us here. I was also a little bit scared of what they'd think of my new appearance. Last time I saw them, we were battling Azula, but I never got the chance to talk to them because Azula struck uncle with lightning. We were all so distracted, even I forgot about my scar.

"Kimi!" Aang said happily.

Him, Toph, then Sokka all hugged me, and I gladly returned the gesture. It was nice being with them and not having to go into battle alone. I didn't realize at that moment that that was the beginning of the biggest change that would ever happened to me.

"So," Sokka started. "What's this about?"

"Princess Azula is in the city," uncle started, "and she and the Dai Li have captured my nephew."

"I bet she has Katara, too!" Aang yells.

Katara is missing?

"We captured a Dai Li agent," I told them while pointing to the man next to me. "Maybe he can help us."

"You captured a Dai Li Agent? That's- impressive!" Toph exclaimed.

"Yeah, how'd you do that?" Sokka asked curiously.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now