Fire Starter

167 8 1

Word count: 746

Calm down, Kitty- or Coco, whoever you are! Who am I anyways? I was born in the Fire Nation, the nation who started a war. I had to flee the Fire Nation after my brother was killed fighting in said war, so we thought. I met a pudgy old man who I love and took me in with his hotheaded nephew who is now my friend. We're fugitives now! And this whole time, my brother is ALIVE! and now pudgy old man who I still love, and nephew, who is still hotheaded but my friend, and I now live in Ba Sing Se. What a wild ride. This is all feeling like too much...


What is my life right now? I must be losing my mind. My mother is still alive, I'm an airbender, I'm an enemy of the Fire Nation, and my brother is not only in the city, but HE'S ALIVE! And that's not even the half of it!

Why is it that my mother can appear in my dreams, yet she can't tell me why she left me or where she is? Why do I need to go through all of this just to get the answer to these simple questions. I'm 16. I'm still learning, I still need her help with things, she should be here with me. I don't know what I'm doing, and now, I'm more lost than ever!

So many things running through my mind. Sure there's my thing with my mother, but what the heck happened to my brother, and how is he alive? Of course I've had my ups and downs in believing if he's alive or not, but now that I know he is, it's a bit overwhelming- ok, super overwhelming! It's like he's back from the dead. Except he isn't a zombie or decomposing. He actually looks perfectly fine, like he didn't just come back from a war that we thought killed him. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have my brother back, but I'm still pretty freaked out, which should be understandable.

Uncle, Zuko, and I arrived at the train station a little while ago. Zuko and I had to witness uncle flirting with the big, hefty lady with the hair on her chin because he was 'testing her patience,' all so we can get our train tickets. I was pretty excited about our journey into the city, now I just want this to be over with so I can go to sleep and maybe or maybe not dream about my mother.

"Hey," I say, just now noticing Zuko walking back to uncle and I. "Where'd you go? "

"Jet asked me to be apart of his Freedom Fighters."

"Again?" I ask.

"Yeah, he- what are you doing fire bending your tea?" He cuts himself off, his voice lowering significantly, almost like a growl.

That's hot.

I turn to uncle. I could scold him for using his bending, but I can't help but to feel sorry for the old man. He just wants some hot tea.

"To be a wise old man, that was a pretty stupid move," Zuko says harshly.

"Ok, Li. Chill," I warn him.

"I know I shouldn't cry over spilled tea, but.." uncle starts to sob, "it's just so sad."

"Awwwe," I play into it. "Poor uncle."

"You're both so annoying," Zuko huffs, and I giggle at his aggression.


"Hey," Zuko says, catching my attention and staring at me intently. "Are you ok?"

"Mmhm," I answer.

"Come on, Coco. We both know that's not true."

"Ok, well... while we were on the boat, I met someone," I admit.


"Yeah, while you were talking to Jet."

"So you met some guy?" He asks sounding a bit annoyed.

"It was my brother."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a bit paranoid. We can't risk anyone knowing we're Fire Nation," he explains and gives me a friendly nudge, and I smile in response.

"So, he's alive," he continues. "Isn't that a good thing? I don't get why you're sad."

"I'm not sad, I'm worried. He said he'll find me in the city and tell me what happened to him, dad, and even our mother."

"I don't understand. Didn't your mom disappear after he went missing?" He asks.


"Well, I guess if you need to talk or something, you can always come to me." He says as he awkwardly scratches his head.

"Thanks, Zeeby. You're a good person."


Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now