The Storm

221 11 4

Word count: 1,685

"The safety of the crew doesn't matter!"

I walk outside onto the deck to find Zuko face to face with one of the crewmen. It's a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight. The breeze is light and flowing off the sea nicely, and the smell of salt fills my nostrils. It's sad Zuko can't enjoy it, he's always upset about something.

"Uncle," I call. "What's going on?"

He turns to me seriously.

"There is a storm coming."

"But the weather is perfect. No clouds, not to hot, not to cold."

"I can feel it. It's coming from the north."

Uncle is the smartest people I know. He reminds me a lot of my own father, but at the same time, he's like no one I've ever met before. He doesn't seem human really. What I mean is, I think my father and uncle would be great friends, and If he says there's a storm coming, then we should prepare for a storm. Even though the weather is absolutely perfect.

I turn to see Zuko stomp away.

Big baby.

I should follow him, the way he talks to everyone is unacceptable. Of course the safety of the crew matters. Without them, he would've been killed by now.

I know he was talking about the crew, but I can't help but feel like he was talking about me to? I know we're not close friends just yet, but does he really not care if I were to leave, or even die? I would think that I'm over thinking it, but with how our 'frienship' has been going lately, I don't think I am.

"Hey, Zuko."

"What do you want?" He asks with a huff.

"Uncle says there's a storm coming, how are we going to prepare?" I ask.

"We're not. Uncle is just doing what all old people do, worry for no good reason."

"Uncle isn't your typical old man, he's never been wrong before," I try to reason.

"There's a first time for everything."

"I'm just worried. What if something happens to uncle, or me, or you?"

If we were to be split up, I don't know what I'd do. Being with uncle, even Zuko, it feels like home. I don't want to be ripped from my home again.

"You don't need to worry. Uncle will be fine, I'll be fine, and we'll make sure you're fine."

"Really?" I ask not believing him as I cross my arms.

"Yeah, uncle likes you here, and you really make him happy, so..."

"Oh, um, thanks. You know, uncle really is proud of you, too."

"You figure?" He asks.

"Duh," I chuckle. "He tells me all the time when we watch you train. If I didn't know you two personally, I'd swear you two were father and son," I say. I see him flinch, but he cracks a small awkward smile at the same time.

"Well," he clears his throat. "Yeah, I've heard that before. So um, I have to go, but I'll see you later. Thanks, Kimi."

He sends me one last look and rushes off. He's never held a conversation with me that long, one that's pleasant that is. When he's not yelling, his voice is really calming.. And really hot.

I follow behind Zuko and walk outside, only to see the crew and uncle looking to the sky. My eyes meet with huge, gray, monstrous clouds.

Where the heck did these clouds come from? They weren't here before.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now