Sozin's Comet: Avatar Aang

186 6 4

word count: 2,213


"Hey, you."

I walk through the palace doors to see Zuko struggling to put on his ceremonial robe. He has a wrap around his chest because Azula struck him with lightning. I wouldn't have even known if Katara didn't spill the beans. Azula was aiming for Katara, but Zuko was hit instead while trying to cover her. Luckily, Katara was able to heal him, but not before taking Azula down. She truly is a master waterbender, and I am so proud of her. I cannot believe that little 14 year old girl I met almost two years ago is this waterbender who took down one of the most talented benders our nation has.

Sokka, Toph, and Suki managed to take down a dozen airships, which saved many, many lives that day, whether they realize it or not. Those airships were transporting Ozai and a bunch of Fire Nation soldiers to the Earth Kingdom to burn it down to the ground. Suki saved both Sokka and Toph when they found themselves surrounded by Fire Nation soldiers while dangling from the airship. Suki, the bad ass she is, took over another airship and saved them both by crashing both airships into one another.

Toph? Now that's one powerful bender. I mean, metalbending? That's unheard of! The world has never seen that before. She ambushed over a dozen soldiers in a coat of metal she bent to form a suit of armor. I treat her as my little sister, but truthfully, she's stronger than I'll ever be. I know her parents had a hard time believing it, but she is the strongest earthbender to ever walk this earth.

Poor Sokka broke his leg in battle. He's not a bender, but he's just as good as one, if not better. A master of boomerangs and swords. I know people see him as as a jokester or just the map guy, but he is so much more than that. He had to grow up fast, and he's always felt responsible for everyone. Not just for Katara and their tribe, but for Aang, Toph, Suki, even Zuko, and me. He took care of me when I had no one else. He has never made me feel like I don't belong, and he was my shoulder to cry on when I was at my lowest. He's strong inside and out, and I'm honored to be his friend.

"Kimi!" Zuko exclaims with a smile while cheerfully wrapping his arms around me.

"Let me help you with that."

The change in Zuko is astounding. A year ago he was an angry boy desperate for his father's approval and obsessed with finding the Avatar. At one point, I hated him, and I couldn't trust him. When we first met, he wanted nothing to do with me. As time went on, he started to call me friend, and it meant everything to me. Today, he smiles, he actually talks to me, he's surrounded by friends who love him like a brother, and some of us (in other words, me) more than that. He restored his own honor, and that's amazing.

He's looking at me and I'm looking at him. I can feel the sweat building up on my forehead, and my heart starts to pound.

You make me nervous.

"I'm really proud of you," I admit shyly.

"I'm proud of you."

"Me? I haven't done anything that great. I mean, you and Katara defeated Azula! Sokka, Toph, and Suki destroyed an entire airship fleet while Aang ended a 100 year reign of power and war," I chuckle.

"You're kidding right? You took down a commander, literally one of the strongest Fire Nation soldiers my father had. You evacuated an entire village, and saved many lives. You survived and escaped The Fire Nation's toughest prison, and you were tormented in there everyday! You were injured while on the run from Azula, and.."


"You treated me like a real person. I was so mean you. You told me off when I needed it, but you also showed me love and sympathy. And.. You believed in me, and that's all I've ever wanted."

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now