Into the City- Family Ties

179 8 4

Word count: 885

I love a good plot twist!


"Who knew I'd have to return to my greatest defeat.. As a tourist!" uncle says with a cheeky grin.

We were able to get passports and money to board the boat that'll take us into the city. Who knew uncle's obsession with pai sho would actually turn out to be him being apart of a secret society that would eventually end up saving us? Hmm, life can be so funny.

Since boarding, things have been weird, to say the least. I thought I could handle being on a boat again, but guess who got sea sick the moment she boarded? But that's the least of my problems. I'm feeling really uneasy. There's this creepy guy in a bamboo hat that's been staring at me since I got here. I don't know why, but I'm really freaked out about it. I'll just stay close to uncle and Zuko.

"Look around. We're not tourist, we're refugees," Zuko says, clearly aggravated.

I hate to admit it, but he's right, but I've been in this position before. I can deal with living on the streets and trying to figure out my next move. I'm just worried about Zuko. His dad is a total butthole, but Zuko is still a prince, and he was just as sheltered as any royal would be. I mean, even when he was on his own, he got into trouble immediately, and though he found a nice family to stay with for a few days, he couldn't even help repair a simple roof with the father. In conclusion, Zuko is a spoiled brat!- But he can't help it. I'm probably going to have to give him a few pointers, like don't give yourself away just because you defeated a bunch of soldiers!- yeah, I didn't forget. It's nice he helped that town, but come on.

"I'm tired of rotten food, sleeping in the dirt, I'm tired of living like this," Zuko says lowly.

"Aren't we all?"

A tall, linky boy with spikey hair, chewing on a piece of.. wheat (?), approaches us with two other people, who I'm guessing are his friends.

"My name's Jet," he introduces himself. "And these are my Freedom Fighters, Smeller Bee and Long Shot. Here's the deal, I hear the captain is eating like a king, while we're eating his scraps. Do you want to help liberate some food?"

Zuko throws his bowl of scraps in the ocean and turns to Jet.

"I'm in," he says.

"Li," I whisper in a warning tone, making sure to use his fake name.

He turns and looks down at me.

"I promise I won't get into any trouble, I'm just getting us some food. I want you to stay with uncle and rest."

"But-" I start.

"You're sea sick, Coco."

"And what happens if you get caught, huh? If we get kicked off this boat, then what'll we do?" I ask.

"We won't, I promised you."

We stare at each other for awhile, then I break contact to look at Jet. I don't know if I trust him. Where did this guy cone from anyway? Pretty sketchy if you ask me.

"Get him in trouble, and I'll end you. Got it?" I snap at Jet.

"Yes, ma'am."


"Coco, Coco."

I open my to eyes to Zuko gently shaking me, and interrupting my slumber. Oh, I fell asleep on uncle.

"Oh," I yawn while I stretch out my arms. "You're back, how was it?"

"I told you I'd be fine," he replies with a smile.

He then hands me a bowl of soup and a package of crackers.

"For your stomach," he says.

"Thank you."

I've missed you.

Just 'eating' was an understatement. I devoured my soup and crackers.

"Someone was hungry," uncle chuckles.

"I was," I admit with an embarrassing smile.

"I'm sorry you're sick," he says. "If there were another way to get into the city without having to take the fairy, we would have."

"That's ok, uncle."

Uncle and I were talking when I notice the strange man in the bamboo hat staring at me from around the corner. When he caught me looking at him, he hid behind the corner wall.

What a dummy.

"Uncle, I'll be back. I have to, uh- pee."

"Ok, be careful."

I get up and make my way around the corner to where the strange man is hiding.

"Hey, you!" I call for him strongly.

"Um, me?"

"Obviously. Why have you been following me?"

"You're traveling with the banished Prince of the Fire Nation," he responds.

My blood runs cold. There's no way- how do they know that?!

"How do you know that, and what do I have to do for you not to rat us out?" I ask while crossing my arms. "I don't have much momey, but you can have it all if you promise not to rat us out."

"Nice to see you haven't changed," the stranger says.


"You've always tried to protect the people you love. My question is, how in the world did you end up with the banished prince and the ex general?"

He lifts his head and removes the hat that is covering his face. Now I can see him clearly, wait-

I recognize those eyes.

"Hi, baby sister."


Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now