T's and O's

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You guys, our last T's and O's, but do not fear. I have a few projects I'm working on. A minnie sequel for this book, an lok story, and so much more.

#1; I want a season 4 soooooo bad. I like LOK, I do, but there are so many things from ATLA that have not been answered, and here's the thing, I cannot afford the comics to get those answers, so I'm going to need a season 4.. Periodt!

Not only do I want season 4 for answers, but also bc I love this show. I think it's a masterpiece and beautifully done, and I would love another season because of this reason.

#2; Recently someone on Instagram described ATLA as water and LOK as wine and said, water is for all, but wine can be good but isn't for everyone, and I couldn't agree more! LOK isn't for everyone, liked by some but not all, but ATLA is for everyone and liked by many, which is where the comparison of water and wine comes in at.

#3; ZUTARA WOULD NOT HAVE WORKED! There was a girl on Instagram who was like, ohh, but they had so much sexual tension.. um, Where!? For one, it's a cartoon, so no. Two, Katara hated Zuko for a good portion of the show. Even tho they became friends at the end, I feel like if they were to ever get into an argument as a couple, Katara would have definitely used Zuko's past against him, she was shady towards him even after he joined the gaang. She did not care whatsoever that he was Aang's only hope for a firebending teacher and would help save the world. (Edit: Mai and Zuko were very cute together! He was the only one who could break her out of her shell)

Also, I'm not sure why people found it shocking that Aang and Katara would get together, there were so many hints throughout the show that they would. The first episode, the Secret Tunnel episode, they kissed during the first part of The Day of Black Sun and The Ember Island Players, and she was the main reason he couldn't open his chakras. Katara also knew it was coming bc in season 1 when they visited that town and saved them from the volcano, Sokka was like, Aang is one powerful bender, and Katara was like, oh wow, that fortune teller did say I would marry a powerful bender, and she knew at that moment she was talking about Aang. And let's not act like Sokka didn't hint at it a few times in the show.

Just to let y'all know, it's all love here guys. I swear I'm not upset or angry with this topic. I love talking about this show, and I love hearing you guys opinion, just like I like sharing mine, haha. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with me, just putting that out there.

#4 As you guys know, I like LOK, but I have a few issues with it. For one, Korra is a brat, season 2 we all got a good look at that. The entire time I was like, just listen to your freaking dad!

Asami deserved so much better, but I still like her with Mako more than I liked Korra and Mako together. Like I said, Korra was a brat.

I, for some reason, was very frustrated that they didn't change up Toph's look at least a little bit. She still had the same hairstyle and tired, old, dress. I don't know why this is bothering me so much.

Avatar Wan was the best episode.. Periodt!

Them bringing back Zhao and showing that dudes skull from the library episode in ATLA was iconic!

The fact that Tenzin got to reconnect with Aang but not Bumi or Kya makes me so upset. I have opinions on that relationship aswell, but I'm saving it for my LOK story.

Ikki deserved better, but I'll touch on that in my LOK story.

Lin deserved better, and Sue got on my nerves, also in my LOK story.

#5 My ships in this book with Kimi mostly;

June and Kimi- I've shipped them since writing in June's part.

Wang and Kimi- I love their friendship, but I feel like Wang would just be such a great boyfriend to her since he already treats her so nice.

The Painted Lady and Moirai- y'all know I had to do it. Together, when they were talking to Kimi, they just seemed like they'd be good together, and they were already close, so why not?

Haruu and Kimi- It was implied in my story that Haruu had a crush on Kimi, so of course I shipped them.

Suki and Li- They never interacted with each other but I feel like they'd be so powerful together

Sokka and Kimi; how can you not?

#6 Azula was a bigger threat than Ozai. Azula was actually threatening and very skilled in bending and combat. Ozai just had flowy hair and a deep voice. He was also a punk for going after Zuko when he was only 13. I feel like even Zhao was a better villain than Ozai.

Edit: since posting this, the creators have confirmed Ozai is more powerful than Azula, so never mind. This just means we need more ATLA content bc we know very little about Ozai.

#7 When Momo joins Aang again after the battle is over I find myself being so proud, and my heart is just so happy.

#8 (Currently)My favorite episodes not in order; The first two episodes of the series
Warriors of Kyoshi
Winter Solstice: part 2
The Fortune Teller
Not sure what he episode is called, but the one when Kyoshi makes her appearance during the court hearing
The Seige of the North part 1&2
The Library
Tales of Ba Sing Se (I cry when they put rip to Mako, the original voice actor of Iroh, at the end of Iron segment)
The Earth King
Crossroads of Destiny part 1&2 (my all time favorite)
The Teacher
The Beach
Day of Black Sun part 1&2
When Zuko joined the gaang
The Fire Masters
The Ember Island Players
Series Finale part 1,2,3 & 4

#9 Everyone always talks about how great Zuko's character development was, which it was, but let's not forget about Sokka. He was very sexist in the beginning. Let's not forget about how him and Suki met. He started out with insulting her for being a female, and by the end of the series, he was praising everything about her. We love growth.

#10 Last but not least.. This show means a lot to me, and it'll always have a special place in my heart 💕

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