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"How does it look, can you see my arrow?" I ask Katara who's doing my hair.

"Yes, now stop worrying! You look beautiful," she chuckles.

I'm in my dressing room with all my girls, and we're getting ready for my wedding. I cannot believe that in just 30 minutes, I'm going to be marrying the love of my life. With my dad gone, my brother will be walking me down the aisle. Bumi, Katara and Aang's son, will be the ring bearer. My niece is our flower girl, Katara, Toph, Suki, Mai, Tylee, and Song are my bridesmaids, and Suki is my maid of honor.

Of course I'm grateful and excited that my friends are here to see me get married, but I can't help but to feel a bit of sadness on behave of Zuko. Sure he has uncle, but we're still missing some very important people here today.

Ozai, who is rotting away in his prison cell. Not talking, barely eating, I'm surprised he's survived this long. Aang taking his bending put him in a state of sadness and hopelessness. Don't get me wrong, he's a horrible man who deserves his fate, but it's still so sad to see, and the fact that Zuko doesn't have a relationship with him, something he wanted so bad, is the saddest of all.

Azula. I tried to be her friend. I visited her, I talked to her, despite how hard that was, because look at all the trouble she's caused. She almost destroyed an air temple, she took over Ba Sing Se, she almost killed Aang and Zuko. She's done so much bad. She now spends her days in the psychiatric hospital. When I, Mai, or Tylee visit her, she tries her hardest to firebend at us. Poor girl hasn't changed since Katara took her down. She still wants to rule, she wants all the power, but the hatred in her is stronger and grows more and more everyday.

.. And Ursa. We haven't found her.. Yet. But Zuko has never lost his faith. We'll continue to look for her as long as we can, until she's back home safe and sound.

My thoughts are interrupted by the cry of a baby. I turn to see Kya, Aang and Katara's second child, waking up from her nap. She's only three months old, perhaps the cutest little baby you'll ever meet, and she's the splitting image of Katara. I walk over to the cranky baby and gently pick her up and cradle her in my arms.

"Hi baby, it's ok. Aunt Kimi's got you. Yeeees," I coo as I pat her back.

"You're good at that," Katara says while joining me.

"Yeah, I can't wait till you and Zuko have a little fireball... Or airball, which ever one," Suki joins with a chuckle.

"Hey, I hate to break up this baby talk, but it's time to go," Toph interrupts.

"Are you ready, Kimi?" Song asks me.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


"You may now kiss your bride!"

Zuko gently grabs my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss, and the entire kingdom cheers as we walk down the aisle hand and hand. I really wanted to do something for my people, so my first act as the firelord's wife was to dress everyone in the fanciest and nicest of clothes and invite them to our wedding. My goal is to eventually get rid of rings all together and make sure everyone in the Fire Nation is taken care of. I know what it's like to miss a meal because of not having the money to buy all the things I need. I want my country to be a place where everyone thrives and gets the best care no matter what your 'ranking' is.

I'm first going to build my school that will be open to children no matter how rich or poor they are. It'll offer them classes for the arts, and a mandatory study of all 4 nations. If we want to see a change, and a better tomorrow, it starts with them, they are the future.

Being the Firelord's wife will be a hard task to fulfill, but with Zuko by my side, I know I can do it, and I hope he feels the same way, too. To think, just years ago, Zuko and I 'hated' each other.

I guess a scar does heal.


"Zuko, can you please tell me where we're going for our honeymoon?" I ask for the billionth time.

"Ok, fine. We're going to Ember Island. Last time we went, the circumstances weren't the best, and I promised you a vacation there, but this time it's just you and me. No wars, no hiding, just relaxation with the one I love."

"Oh, Zuko," I gush.

I sit on his lap and place a light kiss on his lips.

"You're so sweet. I can't believe you remembered."

I know we're probably doing to much and we're over the top, but can you blame me? I never thought I'd get married, EVER! I thought I'd be running forever. As much as I wanted the war to be over, marriage still wasn't part of the plan. It's not that I didn't want it, I just never thought it'd be possible really. So forgive me if I want to be mushy gushy with my husband, who by the way, I've had a crush on since I was 16!


Zuko and I just finished putting our bags in our cabin. We set sail to Ember Island about half an hour ago, and we'll be arriving in a few hours. I am so excited! Last time I was here was with the gaang years ago. We were in hiding and couldn't explore the island like I wish we could have. Now it's just Zuko and I, and we can finally be ourselves and relax, no more war. I understand we could've gone somewhere outside of the Fire Nation for our honeymoon, but this is what we want, and I couldn't wish for anything better.

Zuko and I decided to lay down and cuddle when suddenly the ship takes a turn. I fall off the bed with a thump.


"What's the meaning of this?" Zuko asks as he helps me off the ground.

"Firelord Zuko," a young soldier exclaims as he rushes into our quarters and salutes his majesty. "We had to turn back, there has been an emergency at the palace! It has been reported that a prisoner has escaped."

"Who?! My dad, Azula?!" Zuko asks.

"No sir, former commander of the Fire Nation under the rule of Ozai, Patyn Long, sir. "

Oh no.

I look at Zuko with wide eyes, and he looks at me.

"Pat's escaped."


A\N y'all thought it was over?

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now