Sozin's Comet: Kimi the Airbender

166 6 4

word count: 1,721

De Ja Vu.

I immediately think back to that moment that changed my life forever. That night in the North Pole when he struck me, except... This isn't the North Pole, and I am not the same girl I was a year ago. I was unpredictable. Sometimes I was a go with the flow type of girl, at times I craved stability, sometimes I was brave and courageous, but a lot of times, I was scared and unsure of myself. I was trying to be a regular teen without actually knowing how to do that. At one point, I lost myself completely, but today, I know who I am. I'm not your regular teenager. I am a warrior, I am a bender.

I'm... An airbender!

Patyn raises his arms high in the air and creates a wall of fire that surrounds us both. It's so hot, and the air is so thick. It feels like I can cut it with a knife.

I raise my arms over my head and fan the flames out. The wall of fire that surrounds us turns into nothing but tiny embers, and they slowly flutter away into nothingness.

"You've been practicing," he observes.

"Having the Avatar as your best friend has it's perks. A lot has changed since we've last seen each other, Patyn. I am an airbender, and I will not let you destroy anything else. Leave now!"

"I'm not going to let a little puff of air stop me!" He says getting frustrated.

He goes to throw a ball of fire my way. Minutes go by and he's firing attacks at me left and right, and I dodge each and every one of them. He's never fought an airbender before, you can tell. He can barely keep up. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm actually engaging in combat, and I'm winning.


Moments later the atmosphere goes dark. Literally. Darkness engulfs us completely. The little light we had from the comet is gone, but it doesn't last long. I look up to see what's happening. I do something I've never done before- I channel the universe. My mom is a spirit and I come from a strong line of airbenders, I've learned a lot about myself this past year. I'm more powerful than I've ever realized.

I listen carefully, and I look at all the commotion that's happening. I breath in deeply, something is happening. There's the airships, so that must be Ozai, most likely on his way to destroy the Earth Kingdom. Ugh, he's so dramatic.

He's not alone.

"Who- who is that?" Patyn asks.

The Avatar has returned.

I- I see him! I'd recognise that bald head and that tan and orange getup anywhere-

"It's Aang! He's back!" I exclaim as I jump up and down.

I knew he'd come back!

"I'm not worried... But you should be!" Patyn shouts.

He sends a wave of fire my way. I'm caught off guard, and I quickly blow a gust of wind off my body, but the flames still overwhelm me. I fall to the ground and wrap my arms around my body. This pain seems familiar.

Not again...

He walks up to me with a menacing laugh, and he stands over my broken figure.

"Idiot, did you really think you could beat me? Especially when my bending is at it's strongest?! I could kill you.. But, I can also turn you into the Phoenix King himself. That seems like it'll be more fun for me, to watch you suffer."

This is it.

'No, it's not,' I hear a voice say .

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now