Rebirth: Master

169 6 4

word count: 2,033


5 years later...

"Kimi, it's time."

I open my eyes to Guru Pathik gently shaking my arm. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and try to detangle the mess I call my hair. For the past five years, I have been studying the air nation under the teachings of Guru Pathik in the Eastern Air Temple. My time here has been life changing really. I've laughed, I've cried, I've screamed, I've thrown tantrums, I may have gone crazy a few times, and I've learned a lot! Though it wasn't always easy, I can genuinely say that I've enjoyed my time here, and Guru Pathik has become just like another father to me.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't missed my friends and family. The Gaang, my brother, my father, uncle, and Zuko. I've actually snuck off a few times and sent a couple of letters here and there. Guru Pathik has strict rules and does not want me sending or receiving anything from the 'outside world.' He said in order to reach our true spiritual selves, we need to disconnect ourselves from the physical world, and blah, blah, blah, something like that. I know I should've listened to him, but I only wrote Zuko once- actually, I only wrote everyone once, swear, and I told them not to write me back. And before you say it, I know what happened to Aang when he didn't listen to Guru, but come on. I'm not the Avatar, and it's not like I can get in touch with an ancient lion turtle, so I think our circumstances are a little different. I mean, Gyatso was Mr. Spiritual himself and yet he still had an earthly attachment to Aang, and he was fine- except for when he sacrificed himself to off a bunch of Fire Nation soldiers on the day of Sozin's comet 100 years ago, but that's beside the point! I just wanted to let them know I was ok, ok? Anyway, it's been two years since I wrote Zuko, and I'm ready to join him. I'm ready to see him and all of my friends. I need to be with him.

Today is a special day, my 22nd birthday. It's crazy to think about how much life has changed in just a matter of years. I was on the run with Zuko and uncle, and the world was at war. Thinking about Zuko back then makes me laugh. He had that weird ponytail thing, and he threw a tantrum at least once a day. Since being here, I've also changed. I've become more disciplined, that's for sure. Of course I still like to have fun, but when it comes to airbending and my training, well... it means a lot to me, and I take it seriously. I just think back to that day Azula attacked the Air Temple, and how enraged I was. This is my culture, my people, my history. It's my duty to protect all we have left. I forgive Azula for what she did that day. Instead of letting it anger me, I use it as my drive. It inspires me to give my all in the name of the fallen Air Nation and the ones to come.

My knowledge in Air Nation culture has grown tremendously. I've learned so much, and I think once I'm back home, I'm going to open a school. Yeah, I've given it a lot of thought, and I really want to do this. It'll specialize in the arts. Dance because I've loved it since I was a little girl, theater because of Zuko's mother, Ursa, music because of uncle and my father, and most importantly, I'll also have a course dedicated to learning about the history and culture of the four nations, the course I will teach personally. It's going to be great. We're going to take field trips to all of the temples, and I'm going to make sure the next generation will know who the airbenders are.

I know I've changed, but I like it this time. Sometimes different is good. I didn't change just mentally, but physically as well. I started a strict training program here at the temple, so I'll be ready when I join Aang for the rest of my training. It's been hard, but I beat the odds, and I'm committed to sticking to my program. My arms and legs are toned, and I've done the same to my stomach. Which I'll probably lose once I get home after I devour all the sweets in my village, hehe. Don't judge, there's only so much banana onion juice a girl can take.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now