Resentmemt- The Headband

186 7 6

Word Count- 1,904

Do not skip or you'll be confused;

Zuko starts this chapter off! He will be having an internal argument with the blue dragon (evil) and the red dragon (good).

-Red dragon will be in italics
-Blue dragon will be in BOLD.

This is new to me, I'm trying to explore different writing styles, so I'm giving this a go. Don't forget to comment! I'd love to hear what y'all think



"I did what needed to be done! The Fire Nation is not complete without it's prince. I was foolish to try to start a new life when I was needed here with my father."

"Do you really believe that, Zuko? What about uncle, did him giving up his freedom to save you and Kimi need to be done? And Kimi-"

"Coco was a stupid girl, a freeloader! She did nothing but hold you back. Her and uncle wanted a life you didn't, and they tried to force you to submit to their ways because they were jealous!-"

"Stop!" I yell as I crumble to the ground.

I cover ears, hoping that maybe they'll just stop and go away. My body is shaking. It's not working, nothing is working! I can still hear them. Why can I still hear them?! It's not fair. I made the right decision, so why is this happening to me again?

"Why? While you feast on tarts and exotic fruits in the palace with Mai, your uncle is rotting in a prison cell. And not to mention that Kimi could be somewhere hurt and scared."

"Who cares about the girl? She probably died trying to get out of Ba Sing Se! It's time for you to focus on the bigger picture, your father ruling the world and you becoming the Firelord. You have regained your honor, all you needed was your father's acceptance, and you did that by killing the Avatar. This has always been your destiny."

"No, Prince Zuko! The Avatar is not dead! You must not listen to the blue dragon! You have the power to create your own destiny. Your father is trying to corrupt you, and turn you into him. You can still leave this place and join the Avatar, release uncle from prison, and make things right between you and Kimi."



Life with the Gaang is so much different than life with uncle and Zuko. Instead of being on a cold hard ship all day, I now spend my time riding around on Appa who is instead like a warm, fluffy pillow. The atmosphere is a lot different, too. It's light and cheery. Don't get me wrong, being with Zuko was great at times. I had Wang and some of the others who grew to be great friends, but that whole, 'I must regain my honor' thing going on with Zuko was was really annoying sometimes, to say the least.

"We need new clothes."

After we found Aang, we parted from the others and decided to head to the Fire Nation on Appa. Sokka came up with a brilliant invasion plan where we attack the Fire Nation on the day of black sun. Apparently there's going to be a solar eclipse that day. The sun will be completely blocked off by the moon for 15 minuets. Just like during the lunar eclipse when the waterbenders lost their bending, only this time, the firebenders will lose their bending, giving us the perfect opportunity to attack the Fire Nation palace, and for Aang to take out the Firelord.


He's the Avatar, and I am so grateful he's alive and the cycle still continues. There is hope again, but him being my friend, I'm just really happy he's alive. It's almost overwhelming. Seeing him in that much pain and the state he was in was really hard because he's such a beautiful person inside and out, and I love him. Our culture was destroyed, our people were killed, and yet everyday he goes about his day with a positive attitude. When he first woke up, it was the darkest I'd ever seen him. Like that goofy kid I met in the south had vanished, and now it's like none of that happened.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now