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Word Count: 1,486

"Wang, hi!" I happily chirp as I sit my lunch tray next to his.

Wang is one of the newer crewmen on this ship. I've gotten pretty close to all of the men, but out of everyone, Wang and I are definitely the closest! He understands that even though I'm traveling with Zuko, Aang is still my friend, and probably the only one here who believes me when I say that I am NOT Zuko's secret bride. Ship gossip can be crazy.

"Hello, Short One."

Wang is obviously taller than me, so are a lot of the people on this ship. He is younger than most of them though, but older than me. He just turned 18.

"So, I heard you were mad at your boyfriend," He says as he smirks at me.

He knows I absolutely hate that joke.

"Prince Zuko is NOT my boyfriend."

"Yet. You're the only one who's stood up to him. Trust me, he needs you in his life."

"Whatever," I say as roll my eyes playfully. "Even if I did like Zuko, WHICH I DON'T, it would never work."

I'll admit, in the beginning, I did have a crush on Zuko, I thought he was kinda cute... Minus the weird ponytail. And living off the grid, you don't really have much male interaction, any kind of human interaction really. Now I don't know where I stand on how I feel about him, but all I know is, I don't want to ruin this still forming friendship. We're finally past that stage of hating each other, we are now civil with each other, and I don't want to ruin that.

"Why? It's not like you're ugly, and you're not that annoying."

Wang reminds me a lot of my older brother. Annoying and protective, yet somehow tells me I'm the annoying one.

"Because apparently Zuko is already in some complicated relationship," I reply and roll my eyes.

"I've been traveling with this guy for a good year already, and I've never seen this girlfriend of his. Maybe he's jealous and made her up."

"Well, I don't know. It wasn't really a discussion, I just asked him about it. It was so random."

"Well who is she?" Wang asks.

"Some girl named.. Mya? I can't remember. He said she used to be his girlfriend or something like that. He blushed when he said her name, so I'm guessing he still likes her."

"You could change that," He says in a sing song voice.

"I'm not like that. Besides, they probably didn't even break up. They could just be separated until he returns home. Another reason why we wouldn't work."

"What's the other reason?" He asks.

I lean in closer to Wang because I don't want anyone to hear what I I'm about to say. Especially the hot headed Prince himself.

"I seriously doubt that Zuko is going to capture the Avatar, but I do believe he will return home one day. Which is why we would never work. He's royalty, I'm not."

"If Prince Zuko isn't going to capture the Avatar, what the heck are any of us doing here?" Wang whispers.

I shrug.

"Uncle says it gives him hope."

"That makes sense, but is his 'hope' worth all of the disrespect?"

"No," I reply. "...But he can still legally kill you. So I'd just do what he says."

"Oh yeah, that's true."

"So, your nose healed up pretty nicely," I admire.

"Yeah, you've got a powerful kick. Are you sure you're not a bender? Did you ever take the test?"

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now