Sozin's Comet: Old Friends

159 7 3

word count: 1,777

17 years ago, I was born into a very scarred and dark world. The Fire Nation has caused so much destruction and chaos, exterminating the airbenders, almost completely killing off the waterbenders in the South Pole, and leaving people scared and in a state of panic and confusion for 100 years. I think of people like Hama. Katara told me everything. I can't say I don't blame her. She wasn't right for what she did, but I grew up in the same world as she did. Her people were wiped out in front of her. She never saw her friends or family again because of the Fire Nation. She was scared and alone in a foreign land. It doesn't justify her actions, but it explains them. The Fire Nation, my home, we've done so much to this world, bad things, for one hundred years. And now we as the world are paying for the sins of our nation.

Today, everything changes. The Avatar has returned! It's time for him to end this war and start a new era of peace, healing, and growth! Aang has gone missing, but after the conversation we had with uncle, I am more hopeful then I have been this past year. Aang's destiny is to fight the Fire Lord, and today, destiny is our friend.

I know that's ironic coming from me.

Not long ago I was floating on an iceberg on the brink of death. I never thought I'd end up here. United with my family, meeting a great group of people who I've come to love more than anything, and saving the world, or watching my unofficial official boyfriend become firelord. Destiny is a funny guy.

My reuniting with uncle was everything I could've ever dreamed of. To be back in his arms again was like reuniting with my own father.


I wake up to Zuko shaking me. Looking around, and feeling the warmth from the rising sun. I guess I fell asleep. I was waiting for him to talk to uncle.

"Good morning," I yawn while I stretch my arms.

"Good morning," He greets me and kisses my forehead. "Come on."

He grabs my hand and leads me inside of uncle's tent. Sitting criss cross with a steaming cup of tea in his hands is uncle. My heart leaps at the sight of him. Knowing that he's alive and Ozai didn't kill him makes me incredibly happy. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost him... but I'm also happy for Zuko. I hope that he now sees that uncle is the person he needed all along, never Ozai. Ozai was never truly a real father. A real father wouldn't burn their thirteen year old son and banish him until he found the Avatar who was missing for 100 years. A father wouldn't turn a sister against their brother, and a father wouldn't banish the mother of his children who only loved and kept her children safe. He doesn't deserve Zuko's love or respect, uncle does.

"Hello, Kimi."

I can't seem to form words. I only run to him and dive into his arms, tears flowing down my face.

"I've missed you so much, uncle!"

"I know, I know. I've missed you so much, Kimi. I didn't want to leave you that day, but I knew you were in great hands, and you are a smart girl."

I feel an extra pair of arms on my back, and I look up to see Zuko. We stare at each other for what seems like ages.

"When you didn't walk out of those catacombs, I-I never felt so helpless. It felt like my entire world was burning down to the ground. Don't ever do that again!"

"I know, I know," he coos as I continue to cry like a baby into his neck. "But it's over now."

This is nice... And when did he get so buff?!

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now