The After Hour of Black Sun

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Word count: 1,376

I would be lying if I said I'm not scared, because the truth is, I'm terrified, but at least I'm with my brother. Of course Hakoda and Haru's father, who has experience with being in a Fire Nation prison, and plus the others are here, too- so that's a bit comforting. I guess my father shouldn't have come. I just hate that he couldn't flee Ba Sing Se the night of the coup. Every time I think about it, my blood boils. How could Zuko do this to us? To uncle? To me? Azula is the reason why we were fugitives, why we had to run to Ba Sing Se! And he chose her over me. He told me he liked me, we were gonna go on a date, we were suppose to start over and be happy! We were once great friends... Yet he let it all go. He was gonna kill Aang, he let uncle get captured. I just don't understand, I don't understand him!

After my friends left on Appa, all of the adults involved in Sokka's invasion plan and I were captured by the Fire Nation guards. We were cornered. There was no way we could take them all. The eclipse was over and the firebenders could bend again, so we had no other choice but to put our hands over our heads and surrender. I'm trying so hard to stay calm, to not show any fear, but I am absolutely terrified.

"You, you, and you, come with me."

One the guards points to me, my brother, and Hakoda. We are forcibly put into metal cuffs that are almost unbearably tight around our wrist, I know I'll have a few bruises later. The other troops are done the same, and they are being pushed to a mobil metal holding cell for transportation to whatever prison we're going to. My brother, Hakoda, and I are being pushed towards the other one. I frown.

"Hey, what's going on? Where are you taking them?" I obviously panic.

I didn't think we'd be split up. Ok, they're not my family, but those are my friends, that's Haru's father, and Toph beat those other guys up a few times- the point is, they mean a lot to me, and they can't do this to us!

"Kimi, it's ok," Haru's father says calmly.

I know he's been to these prisons before, but how is he taking this so smoothly? We're enemies of the Fire Nation, we're being split apart, and they might kill us!

"They're being taken to a smaller Fire Nation prison, you three are being taken to the Boiling Rock."

My eyes bulge out of my head, and I look at my brother worryingly. I know about that place. Everybody in the Fire Nation knows about that place. It's a huge prison filled with hundreds of guards that watch your every move, and that's not even the worse part. It's in the middle of a boiling lake, hence the name. You're trapped in there like a caged animal, it's sick.

"Why?" I ask.

"The Boiling Rock is for people who played a big part in the rebellions, like your brother. He was drafted into our military, went awol, and performed espionage on the Fire Nation and leaked very important information to the Earth Kingdom. Hakoda, leader of the Watertribe for years, forcibly pushed our troops out of the Earth Kingdom... And you, the worse one of all. You personally worked with the Avatar, and you're also a fugitive to the Fire Nation. You traveled with the banished prince and his no good uncle, and you were being hunted by Princess Azula herself. You're a traitor to the kingdom."

I grind my teeth in anger, and I let them push me into our holding cell. The war's not over yet, but this is awful. I never ever pictured myself being taken to prison. Even with my face being printed on wanted signs, I never thought it would come to this.

"...And you're an airbender. You better hope the other guards at the prison don't hear about that. They'd have a lot fun with you."

I look at the guard in panic. What did he say? Wait... I know that voice. Oh no, this is possibly the worst day of my life. I never wanted to see him again. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be guarding Ozai? He shouldn't be here! Horrible flashbacks of the moment he struck me races across my mind. I feel dizzy. I look at him startled.
I'll always remember that crooked smile, and malicious gazr held in their eyes, it belongs to the person who has marked me forever. Someone who I've grown to hate.


Or should I say, Patyn Long?

"Hey, why are we stopping?" I ask no one in particular.

The three of us have been traveling for about an hour, and it's been a living hell so far. The closer we get to the lake, the hotter it gets. We can't lean against the walls of our cell because the metal is so hot. I'm sweating buckets, my brother smells so gross, and Hakoda fell asleep and he snores just as loud as uncle, and that says a lot! The road ahead of us is really bumpy, and with every moment that passes by, my head aches more and more.

We came to an abrupt stop. I know we can't be here already. The lake is at least another hour away! It hasn't been long. And I know once we get there, the heat will be almost unbearable. The door to our cell opens, revealing Patyn standing at the entrance.

"Let's go," he says and yanks a half asleep Hakoda out of his seat.

"Huh, what?" Hakoda says, as he is clearly startled.

"Where are you taking him? I thought he was going to the Boiling Rock with us," I argue as I stand up abruptly.

He cannot take Hakoda. He's Katara and Sokka's father, they already lost their mother, they can't lose him, too!

"Sit down, cupcake. He'll be at the Boiling Rock in a few days. He's being interrogated."

"Interrogated, for what? You know, you guys have some nerve. If I weren't in these handcuffs, I'd -"

I was cut off by my brother coughing, that was him telling me without telling me to shut up. I huff and sit back down.

"It's ok, Kimi. I'll be fine," Hakoda assures me.

With that being said, Hakoda is now gone and it's just me and my brother.

"Kimi, I know you're upset, and we're in a really tough situation, but I need you to be smart and choose your words wisely. You can't go off like that in there. I've been to prison, and it's not pleasant. The guards are ruthless, they won't care that you're just a teenager. Especially with your rep, they'll beat you down physically and mentally as much as possible. I'm sorry, I know this is hard, but I won't be able to protect you in there, and this is why I didn't want you to come."

I take in his words carefully, and I understand completely. If Patyn can backstab me and curse me with this scar, I can't imagine what a guard who doesn't even know me will do to me.

"You're right, I'll be more mindful," I sigh. "I have to tell you something. Before I found you in Ba Sing Se, that guard you just saw... he gave me this scar. "

"I've always wondered what happened. I was afraid to ask."

"He did this because he found out I'm," I pause. "I'm an airbender, and I'm really scared. What's going to happen to me if the guards find out?" I sob into my hands. "I try to be brave for you, for mom and dad, but I'm scared. I'm one of the only airbenders left in the world, and I have no idea what to do."

"So I'm guessing you talked to mom?"

I nod confirming his assumption.

"I know you're scared, and that's ok," he continues. "In the end, we'll have our peace. The pain and suffering, and all the sacrifices you've made will all be worth it. The world will be a better place, lives will be saved, and you'll be a hero. I'm not an airbender, but you're my baby sister, and I'll never let you go through this alone."

I sniff and wipe the tears from my cheek.

"Thanks, Li Li."

"So, that punk gave you that scar, huh?"

"Yeah, and he's also my ex boyfriend."


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