Born From the Ashes

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A\N I have a really important announcement to make at the end of this chapter, so stay tuned!

Word count: 1,280


The cherry blossoms always look good around this time of year. I use to sit under them with my father and we'd do a number of things really. We'd have picnics, sometimes we'd watch the sunset together, and sometimes we'd just play. As I got older, playtime turned into me complaining about stupid preteen things, yet my father never complained.

It's funny how life works. Here I am, sitting under blossom tree. Only this time, I'm by myself. Reflecting, remembering everything with tears in my eyes. When I came home almost a year ago, I never in a million years thought that would be my last moments with my dad. Shortly after my return, he went into the hospital. Li told me he would get sick a lot while I was away. Dad was holding on long enough to see Li start a family, and to see me get my arrows, and for me... To finally be happy with Zuko. He saw it all, then passed away right after.

Today was his funeral. It's was actually bittersweet, ya know? He's free from this scarred world. I know the past few months weren't easy on his body, but is it selfish of me to want him here with me? I just feel like we didn't really have enough time.

Uncle has really done a great job with trying to comfort me since I got the news. I truly appreciate him because though uncle has always been like a father to me, he's never tried to replace my own. He's even stepped up in comforting Li. I appreciate him so much for everything he's done for us. Of course he's going through it as well. When I was gone, uncle and dad became really great friends, they would talk almost everyday. We've taken a huge lost, and we're all hurting.

"There you are."

Zuko approaches me and stands there in his royal attire, his hair in a high ponytail. He looks nice, I just wish this wasn't happening. I wish this moment was under different circumstances.

"Yeah," I whisper, wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

He sits down next to me on the little white bench, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I never should've left," I whisper.


"I should've never went to the air temple... Not for that long," I tell him as I put my head down in defeat.

"I could've taken care of him, be here for him. He would still be here!" I sob.

He takes me in his arms and let's me cry. What else is there to do? My father is gone. I finally found him, and we were suppose to live happily ever after. He was suppose to be here for me, for Li! And we were suppose to take care of him. I finally come back and he just leaves me, again?!

"Don't ever think this is your fault. Your father wanted to see you be happy, and he wanted to see you get your arrows, so what did you do?"

"I got my arrows," I answer.

"And are you happy?" He asks me.


We lovingly look into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. Our lips connect, and we share a passionate kiss.

I love this man.

"You and Li have made your parents incredibly proud. They'll always be with you to love and guide you through the rest of your life, and they'll be here for all of your accomplishments."

"Forever... " I hear my mother say.

"Thank you, Zuko."


Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now