The Avatar

153 6 1

word count: 1,055

"Mom! Moirai! Anybody!"

After two days of traveling, I'm exhausted. I decided to take a break in a small town I discovered, and I meditated into the Spirit World so I can rest my body while visiting my mother. I'm currently looking for her and Moirai, but I'm lost!

Maybe I did something wrong? Ive never been to this place before.

I've been walking around this forested area for what seems like hours- Even though time doesn't exist here, but you get what I'm saying!

"Ugh, didn't I pass this giant mushroom already?" I ask outloud

"Yes, you did," the mushroom replies.

Anyone else would've been freaked out by the giant talking mushroom, and probably run away, but this is the spirit world. Nothing surprises me about this place anymore.

I can hear the stomping of hooves beating against the ground. I can hear it getting closer and closer to me. I frantically look around, but where is it coming from?

...It stopped.

How weird.

I turn around to continue on my way, only to come face to face with a very big catdeer. Her coat is nice and smooth, and a creamy tan color. Its horns sit just behind her ears.

"Hello," I greet the animal as I pet its snout.

It purrs in satisfaction. Awe, makes me miss Appa and Momo. I can't wait to get home.

"Awwe, you remind me of Momo- Except you're way bigger... And you can't fly... And you don't use your toes to pick your nose..." 

"Dont underestimate her."

I look up to see a man with long hair sitting atop of the catdeer. He peers down at me with a soft smile.

"Hi, I didn't see you there. Is this your pet?" I ask.

"Yes, my faithful companion."

"Well she's cute," I tell him as I scratch behind her ears. "We don't really see much of these in the physical world anymore."

Stupid humans.

"Another human! I haven't seen one of you in awhile. what are you doing here? I've never seen anyone make it this deep into the spirit world before."

"I'm looking for Moirai and the Painted Lady, she's my mom," I say proudly.

"Ahh, I should've recognized you. You're Kimi! Your mother talks about you and your brother all the time. I can take you to them, climb aboard."

I climb on top of the catdeer, wrap my arms around the mans torso, and we start our journey.

"Your quite a ways away from your mother. I've never seen a human make it to this part before. My name's Wan. I was the first Avatar."

"No way! That's really cool, how did you become the Avatar anyway?"

"I was a bit of a wildcard. When I was banished into the spirit wilds, I was given the element of fire by the lion turtle. I befriended the spirits, which was not easy, and I eventually mastered firebending. When I started my journey in finding the other lion turtles, I came across two great spirits battling over in that valley over there," he explains as he points to an area of land surrounded by mountains.

"It was Raava, the light spirit, and Vaatu, the spirit of darkness. Vatuu manipulated me into setting him free from Ravaa's grasp. By doing so, I released chaos into the world. Ravaa and I traveled to more lion turtles where I was given the other 3 elements. By the end of our journey, Ravaa was to weak to fight Vatuu alone, and I was not strong enough, but fused together, we were became unstoppable, and powerful enough to lock Vatuu away."

"Correct me If I'm wrong," I start. "But the spirit of darkness is probably some large dark spirit the opposite Raava, right? So how could he have tricked you? I mean, the dark colors and I'm guessing a menacing voice didn't give you any hints?" I tease.

"Yeah, not my smartest moment," he admits with a blush. "But everything happens for a reason."

"I guess you're right. I mean, if we didn't have an Avatar, everything would be different. I would have never met Aang or Zuko, any of my friends for that matter, and call me selfish, but I wouldn't change any of that for the world."

"Then I guess it worked out," Wan replies with a smile.

"Say, if you're the first Avatar, shouldn't you be with Aang, or something like that?" I ask.

"Eh, it's not like he ever calls on me anyway. There's a bunch of us past Avatars waiting to be called upon, and yet he only talks to Roku? I have a lot of free time on my hands if you can't tell."

"Oh. Well, your story is amazing! So when you fused together with Ravaa, that was the beginning of The Avatar cycle, and every time a new Avatar is born, it's just Ravaa fusing together with them?" I ask.


"I can't wait to tell everybody."

"Maybe don't do that," Wan tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because, finding out who Raava is apart of the Avatar's journey. It isn't your destiny to do so."

"So I should keep this to myself?" I ask him.

"Yes," he replies politely. "And here we are."

I look around until I see my mother and Moirai sitting around a large rectangular table, drinking tea with the other spirits.

"Moirai, mom!"

I unmount off of Wan's cat deer and I say goodbye to Wan. I run over to their table  and wrap them in a group hug. I sit down between them.

"Hello, my little airbender," my mother greets me.

"I see you've met Avatar Wan."

"I did. I can't believe all that's happened, I can't wait to tell everyone," I say excitingly.

-Except the part about Raava and the Spirit of Chaos. Not my destiny, not my problem.

"I'm so happy you're returning home. Tell your father I said hello," my mother tells me.

"I will."

"So what brings you here to the spirit wilds, my dear?" Moirai asks.

"I've missed you both, so I decided to rest my body in a small village while I visit you. I'm going to continue my travels back home tomorrow."

"Well, you're just in time," Moirai says.

"In time for what?" I ask.

"Tea, of course!"


Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now