T's and O's

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In honor of Book 2 ending, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post another thoughts and opinions chapter, so here we are. If you have anything to add, or if you agree or disagree with me on anything, drop a comment and I will most likely reply to it, but let's keep it friendly as cordial. I am also adding an extra fact today to celebrate the start of Book 3.

#1 I don't think Jet was a bad character. I know this is a very unpopular opinion, but hear me out. When Jet was about to destroy that Fire Nation village, it was definitely wrong, I'm not denying that, BUT I can see why he was in the mindset he was in. If someone killed my parents and they were free to walk around and their act of murder was justified, I'd be heated to. When people go through something so traumatic, some of us think irrationally and do stupid things. Like I said, Jet trying to burn down a village was not right, but I don't think he was a bad character. I think he was  hurt and angry and was thinking extremely irrational. We can't forget, they not only killed his parents, but also his entire village. His friends, and probably other members of his family were probably killed that day as well. We also have to think about the time period and the war that was going on. I recently lost someone in my life who I was close to, and if it weren't for reading, and writing in my journal, I would've gone off the deep in too. Back then, I don't think they had things like we have today to use to cope with. They were also at war, it's not like they could take a day off and do stuff like paint or go to the movies. I also find it a bit hypocritical to support Azula, but then criticize Jet (I personally know a whole group of people who supported Azula's insane plans. Yikes, I know). Azula was crazy because her mom left and she feels abandoned, Jet was crazy because his family was murdered in front of him. Lol, I'm getting to into this, sowwy!

Edit: I was looking at season 2 today and realized Jet died before the war ended and that is sad! All he wanted was for the war to end and he didn't even get to see that happen. I'm not crying, you are!

#2 Before I start this entry, I know Kimi isn't in the Avatar series, but I need to include her in this discussion.

Anyways, I have ships for everyone in this book, but I ship Sokka with the most people. In no particular order, first, I ship Kimi and Sokka, you'll understand more when I post Book 3. I ship them as best friends, and slightly as more, but mostly best friends. Simi\Soco moments, coming soon to Book 3! My next ship is Suki and Sokka. I love LOK, but they did Suki so wrong! She was apart of the Gaang too! Did they just forget to mention her? And Sokka is dead?! Excuse me? I actually love Suki and Sokka together, and I feel like they should've confirmed if their relationship worked or not. They might have it in the comics, but I'm not sure. (Before you say, go read the comics then, keep in mind that they are on the expensive side, and if I want to survive college, I need every cent I've got, thank you) I just think that Nickelodeon really dropped the ball on us with that. My last ship, I somewhat ship Toph and Sokka. I was looking at the series last night, and protective Sokka was the best. I only partly ship them because the age difference really throws me off, I more so ship adult Toph and adult Sokka together, BUT I have a problem with that too! If Sokka was Sue's father, that means Sokka was a deadbeat dad, and I don't actually believe that. The whole ship between the two is a really difficult topic for me because I'm split between shipping them and not shipping them.

#3 Nobody talks about Ozai's hair, and we should. I was watching the last episode of the serious last night, and when Aang was chasing him in that airball thingy he was in, Ozai's hair was flowing, and it just looked so healthy and majestic. I know this is odd to talk about, but when I observed this, I was like, nobody ever talks about Ozai's hair.

#4 Bonus! I don't know what it'll be, I don't know when, but Nickelodeon is going to do something big with The Avatar series! I'm calling it now. I'm not sure if it'll be another series about maybe what happened after the war with the original gaang, or something smaller, like an Avatar Nickelodeon takeover where they play ATLA all day including the chibbi shorts (don't quote me, I think that's what they're called), but something is coming! What happened when they suddenly started posting clips of All That on YouTube? And it wasn't just a few clips here and there, they were constantly uploading them. THEY BROUGHT THE SHOW BACK FOR ANOTHER SEASON! And what are they doing now? They've been uploading ATLA clips! I've watched 4 just last week! I will bett y'all money that Nickelodeon is planning something (not really, I'm broke, but let's talk about it). I don't know what, I  don't know when but it is coming.I

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