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Word count: 2,776

I wonder what Zuko is doing.

I know I shouldn't meddle, but he's been awfully quiet, nothing wrong with a little curiosity. It's not like I'm grilling him on his next move. Besides, we all know that whatever he decides to do involves Aang. Speaking of... I'm kinda stuck on what I need to do. Whenever I see Aang, Katara, and Sokka, I want to help them so bad, but I know my place is with Zuko. I just feel like a traitor to both sides. I want this war to end, it took my brother away from me, but how am I suppose to do that when Zuko is trying to hunt down the Avatar? Nothing makes sense anymore! Uncle said I should listen to The Spirit of Destiny, but why?

Life is just to crazy right now, my mind is scrambled. Is this really what teenagers are suppose to go through?

I walk down the corridor to Zuko's room. I don't bother to knock, though I know I should.

Oh well.

I quietly make it to his quarters and slip inside. He's standing next to his bed holding-

Katara's necklace?

"Hey! What are you doing with that?"

He quickly turns around, his eyes wide at my sudden presence in his room.

"That's Katara's necklace!" I exclaim.

He looks at me with a bored expression.

"Yes, glad your eyes work," he says sarcastically

"You stole it!"

"No, I found it. And I plan to return it."

"Oh?" I ask confusingly.

That's hard to believe it.

I roll my eyes.

"How do you plan to do that?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"None of your businsess, now get out of my room!" He yells.

I flinch.

"Why are you so mean? To think I really thought that we were getting somewhere, but I guess not. You're rude to everyone, even uncle, and everyone just ignores it because you're the prince and your father is trying to destroy the world like he destroyed my home. Forgive me for speaking so freely, but I am so tired of holding my tongue around here, and so is the crew. You want to know why your crew talks to me and not you? It's because you're unbearable to be around. No one wants to be friends with someone who tries to act superior over everyone he comes across. You're just some jerk with a title!"

I leave his room. I don't mean to be the stereotypical teenager who gets emotional and makes a dramatic exit whenever I can- ok, maybe I am, but I'm just so frustrated! For one, I hate when people yell at me, I hate when people take all there frustrations out on me. I get it, he's had a tough life, being a prince is hard, and he didn't asks to be in the family he was born in, but I'm not going to let him take it out on me. Does he not think I don't have it hard either, or anyone else around here? We've all suffered, and it's because of his family! 

I hate that he has Katara's necklace! I never thought he'd stoop so low, I wanted him to be good and do what's right so bad. I guess it struck a nerve with me because I empathize with Katara. I have a small charm myself, it's not much, but it still means the world to me because it's one of the few things I have left of my family being together. I know it doesn't seem that big of a deal, but once you've walked in my shoes, you'd understand where I'm coming from.

"Kimi, are you ok?"

I look up to see uncle.

"Yeah, I'm just so sick of Prince Zuko's moodswings!"

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now