The Siege

238 11 9

Word count: 3,427

Something's gotta give.

I've been thinking, and... I'm over it all with Zuko and I. It's the back and forth, the sarcasm, the jealousy- I don't like it. My parents didn't raise me to be so mean. I thought this is what I needed to be in order to be confident and survive, but it's not. I don't like who I'm becoming, it doesn't feel right.

Can I be honest? In the beginning, I was not all that interested in being his friend much. I guess I was just going through the motions because Moirai, the Spirit of Destiny, was telling me that's what I needed to do. But really, I wasn't being genuine. I gave up on him so many times. The more I get to know Zuko, when he's not yelling and being obnoxious, he's actually ok. He's awkward, but heck, who am I to talk? It's time to make amends. The more I think about it, I guess he is sorta right when it comes to me dating Patyn. I don't distract him from his work persay, but I'm still dating him, and in most cases, that isn't allowed, but Zuko let him and I off the hook. I guess some of the tension between us is partly my fault, too.

Making peace with Zuko will be good for us. Zuko could use a friend, and I already have to deal with keeping being an airbender a secret, I'm still looking for my mom, and then there's my relationship. I guess we could both use each other.

I don't know, Patyn has been acting so weird lately. I don't know if I'm just paranoid or what. It's like, we spend time together, then after a few minutes, he just becomes so distant and rushes off to his quarters. Is he even interested anymore? He's already canceled 2 of our dates, and don't tell Wang, but sometimes Patyn can be really mean- I don't know, maybe I'm just sensitive, but he almost always apologizes. Yet still, sometimes it makes me uncomfortable.

Maybe this is all in my head. He's probably just tired of being on this ship and away from his family. I know I am.

I really just want to move on and focus on my friendship with Zuko right now. Not only will it make uncle happy, but maybe Zuko will see that he doesn't need to chase after the Avatar. Think about it. He wants Aang because of Firelord Ozai, his whole family who are a bunch of losers if you ask me, except uncle of course. Maybe with me and uncle, Zuko will see that we're worth a chance. A chance to be his family. A real family that'll never hurt him, and love him no matter what. He'll see he doesn't need the Avatar, and maybe he'll be ok with the fact I'm an airbender, too!

I walk to his room and knock on his door. It's music night, so of course he's in his room since he despises any kind of social gathering. I'll have to put more thought into Patyn and our relationship later.


"Why is it every time I want to be alone, you magically show up?" He complains.

"Zuko, you're always alone."

"Haha, so funny," he replies sarcastically.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I actually came to talk to you."

"Can't this wait?" He asks.

"Please, it's really important."

"Fine," he gives in.

"Listen, I've been thinking and I an really grateful you're letting me stay on the ship. And... I'm sorry for being such a bother sometimes."

"Is that it?" He asks getting annoyed.

"No. So, um, I really want start over. I think we started off on the wrong foot. I was rude, and you were already angry, but I'm sorry. I know you're the Prince of the Fire Nation, and I'm some random girl who uncle found floating on an iceberg one day, but do you think we can be friends?"

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now