
179 7 4

Word count: 1,924

A/n This chapter is juicy!

~Happy Reading!


I'm an airbender...

I'm an airbender...

I'm an airbender!

Me, an airbender. Coco, who's lived in the Fire Nation all my life. I just can't believe it. There is only two airbenders left in the world, and I'm one of them!

...I should start acting like one. Yeah, I know it's dangerous, but I need to do this. There's a lot of pressure on me, but I can't just let this culture die, or else the world will be out of balance forever! I have to do this... Even though I'll be killed if Ozai ever found out.

The problem is, I barely know anything about our history. I don't even know how I'm even an airbender. When the airbenders were wiped out, the Firelord made sure any information on them was destroyed! Luckily the small secondhand shops in the lower ring had tons of books on all nations, including air!- Maybe it isn't completely horrible that the Firelord doesn't care about poor people, at least we got to keep our books. Anyways, I spent the small amount of money I earned from doing small jobs around town, on readings regarding the nations. It wasn't much, but I did learn a few things about the Air Nation. Who knew I'd use that knowledge for myself one day. I learned about the temples and monks, and how they were very skilled and disciplined in the art of meditation. They were the most connected to the spirit world, and they took these journeys all across the universe. It was fascinating!

I could try meditation. What could possibly go wrong- I could end up in a place I don't want to be, or I could get myself stuck in the Spirit World with no way of getting back. That's what could go wrong, Kimi.

I sit myself on the floor and cross my legs in front of me. Remembering my reading and imitating the forms the monks were doing. I close my eyes, take my hands, ball them in a fist, and join them together. My knuckles connected like the perfect puzzle. If I had arrow tattoos, they'd be aligned perfectly.

Breath in and out, in and out. Detach yourself from the world, and become one with the universe. Let go of any attachment to any worldy possessions.

Let it all go...


After sitting here for over an hour, an odd feeling takes over my body, like I'm moving, but I'm not?? I stay in the same position and let the feeling engulf me. I should be scared, petrified even, but I'm not. I'm actually excited. I don't feel like I'm in danger, and why would the monks even do this if it weren't a good thing?

I slowly open my eyes.


My eyes well up with tears. I'm not sad, I'm happy, overwhelmed, but happy never the less. It's beautiful. I can't- I can't believe I did that! I actually made it to the the Spirit World? I wish I could tell uncle, I wish I could tell Zuko! For the first time ever, I actually feel like an airbender.

I'm frozen in place, and I marvel at the site in front of me.

This is definitely not the Earth Kingdom.

I take in my surroundings in awe. Beautiful trees, soft grass, and little flying creatures of every colors! Everything is so bright, even me! This can't be a dream. Dreams are faint and misty, like a fantasy. This is real, this has energy radiating from all around, and colors I've never even seen before!

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now