The Beach: Secret Bender

177 9 2

word count: 2,108

A\N Hey y'all, just an itty bitty update.. WE ARE AT 304 READS, can you believe it?! I honestly didn't think anyone would actually read this book, but I thought it'd be something fun to do anyways (even if I were to be the only one reading it, lol) since I love ATLA.


It's been a couple of weeks since Katara and I went into the Spirit World.. Since I reconnected with my mother.. Since Katara found out I'm an airbender... And since my mother told me I have to tell Aang about me being an airbender.

Since meeting my mother, Katara has been really nice to me, and we've gotten a lot closer. I feel like she never really hated me, she just didn't trust me, but I get it. I was traveling with Zuko willingly. Even now I can see how foolish that was, but I was only listening to Destiny, and I thought if uncle was on Zuko's side, then why shouldn't I be? It just sucks, we were both fooled. Now I don't know where uncle is, and he's probably worried about me, too. I just can't believe Zuko would do this to us, to me. That whole thing about liking me and agreeing to go on a date with me, it was all a lie!

No one really suspects a thing about you know what.. Except maybe Toph, but whatever. Katara still doesn't know that Sokka knows I'm an airbender, Sokka doesn't know Katara knows, and nobody knows that Katara and I even went into the spirit world!

Everything is a mess!

I've been so stressed about this whole thing that I haven't even really processed the fact that I've been reunited with my mom. So many families have been separated from each other because of this war, and I'm truly blessed that I was able to reconnect with mine- Even though I've been separated from my father and my brother once again, my mom is in the spirit world, uncle may be in prison, and Zuko betrayed me. At least I've gotten the answers I've been searching for. Now I just need to help Aang end this war.


Katara greets me and takes a seat next to me on my log. I'm suppose to be setting up the campfire for the night, but I'm too distracted. My entire life has been affected by this war, but I've never had to deal with anything like this. I guess when you're born in the middle of chaos it becomes your reality, and once you're taken out of that kind of environment or you start looking from the outside looking in, you really start to realize that what you were going through wasn't normal.

Is it bad to say that I actually feel relieved to come from a line of airbenders instead of Firebenders? The truth is, even though I'm terrified that they'll find out I'm an airbender, I find myself being relieved that I can separate myself from the Fire Nation. Yes the Fire Nation is my home, and my grandfather was a firebender, but I am ashamed of the people who rule that place. I'm ashamed of what Ozai and his family have done to the world, and I really don't want to be associated with any of them, besides uncle. My entire life I thought my family, my ancestors were strictly Fire Nation, but turns out, we're not! Knowing that I also come from the airbenders feels really good, but it also makes me wonder if somewhere down the line in my family tree a firebender and an airbender were able to come together and love each other so much to where they started a family, then why can't we do that now? Why can't we all just love each other? Why couldn't Sozin or Azulon or even Ozai come to terms that there are four nations and we didn't need to destroy anyone? We could've just supported and loved one another. Was one hundred years of fighting really worth it?

Every one is really doing their own thing right now. Toph is picking her toes, ewww. Sokka is sharpening his space sword- Which by the way, is really cool! It's actually made from a meteorite that crashed down to earth just a few days ago. The blast almost burned down an entire village, they would've been toast if it weren't for the Gaang... Literally. Aang is playing with Momo, and Katara was practicing her waterbending until she decided to join me by what's suppose to be the campfire set up.

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