The Day of Black Sun

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A/N I did not mean to leave y'all hangin like that! As I am writing this, I currently do not have Wi-Fi at all and a new router is in the mail. Hi, future me! Hope y'all are doing well and you didn't miss me to much, lol. I start school at the end of this month, so I'm going to try to finish this book between now and then, but I'm not promising anything just yet! I am officially a full time college student and I am so excited, and before you judge say, "why is she so happy? She has no idea what she's getting into," I've taken college classes before and I am very familiar with this campus and the professors, this ain't my first rodeo (lololol I don't think that's the saying, but you get it). Ok, I'm done, HAPPY READING!

word count: 1,293



Is it weird to say that the eclipse was kinda beautiful despite not being able to look directly at it?

Getting everyone out of town was a struggle. People were screaming, babies were crying, some of our sick were alone and scared, the elders were moving too slow, but the best part about that place, we're so use to no one helping us, we all just help each other. We all came together and came up with a plan to get everyone moving. The women had all the children, the men had all the essentials the town needs to survive, like blankets, medicine, food, ect. The girls guided our elderly, and the boys carried our sick. We had a nice little system going. I would miss this place a lot more if our ruler wasn't a coldhearted monster.

My travel back to my friends took forever. My breathing is hollow, and my bones are shaking. My feet ache, and I want to quit, but I can see my friends and all the troops at the top of the hill. I can't believe I did all of that, all those people are going to be ok, and that's all I've ever wanted, for the people I love to be ok- but still, there's still that part of taking down Ozai, Azula, and Zuko.

I want more than anything for Aang to defeat Ozai. I try to stay calm, I've tried to stay positive, but I am absolutely terrified. I know Aang can defeat Ozai, but without the Avatar state? I just don't understand how he can do that. I guess I'm not meant to. On the bright side, today was blacksun, if Ozai can't bend, then we have a huge advantage.

The fighting should be over by now, shouldn't it? It's odd that I didn't hear much.  I don't know, I guess I just expected something a little more.

"Hey, guys, we did it!"

I limp over to my friends. I was about to fall, but Aang caught me just in time.

"Thanks," I say as I straighten up.

I look at everyone's faces, and they all look worried. My face falters when I see 4 airships floating ahead. I gulp.

Oh no.

I haven't felt this scared since seeing Katara carry Aang's lifeless body out of the crystal catacombs back in Ba Sing Se. What happened now? Neither Ozai, Azula, nor Zuko were able to bend today during the eclipse.


"Li," I let out and hug him. "What's going on?"

"I'm so happy you're ok, we were all so worried about you. We were afraid you'd been captured. Listen, we don't have much time."

"Much time for what?"

I look around at Katara and Sokka hugging their father, and everyone else doing the same.

"Those airships are about to sink our submarines. We can't all escape."

"What are you saying?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"You kids are going to escape on Appa while we," Hakoda steps in as he refers to the adults, "surrender and let them take us captive."

I'm sure my face is as pale as a ghost. My blood runs cold.

Not again... Not again! I'm tired of every time I'm reunited with someone I love, they're taken away from me! My brother is all I have left. Uncle has been captured, my father is being held in Ba Sing Se, my mother is in the Spirit World, and Zuko is gone! I can't do this again.


"No?" My brother says confusingly.

"I'm going with you," I tell him.

"What?!" Sokka, Katara, Toph, and my brother yell simultaneously.

"I am tired of running, and I am tired of everything I love being taken away from me! You," I say looking at Li. "Wang, uncle, Zuko!"

"No, absolutely not. You're my little sister, I'm not letting you go to prison with me."

"Yeah, Kimi, be rational. We're not gonna just let you surrender. You need to come with us," Sokka speaks up.

"Sokka," I stare at him deeply. "I have to."

After a moment of silence passes between us, he nods.

"Let her go," he says, never breaking eye contact with me.

"Are you insane?" Katara asks rhetorically.

"I may be, but I know Kimi, and she can do this."

"And he's not lying," Toph says and crosses her arms.

"So?" I start as we all look at my brother. "What do you say?"


"You be safe. I don't want my sister getting hurt in a Fire Nation prison," Sokka says with a wink and gives me a warm hug before getting on Appa.

"I promise."

"Hey, Kimi," Katara says as she and Toph approach me.

"Go knock some Fire Nation heads," Toph says while balling her fist in the air and smiles.

"Be careful, ok?" Katara says with a sad smile. Her eyes glisten with tears threatening to spill out. "Team Avatar isn't the same without you."

"Awwwe," I coo.

I embrace them in a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you guys. Make sure you catch me up on everything Toph."

I wink, even though she can't see it. (A\N TOPH. IS. BLIND )

I say goodbye to everyone else, and Haru hugs me goodbye. We haven't known each other long, but I still think of him as my friend. I mean, we've all been trying to survive a war together, even if this is our first time meeting. I walk over to Appa and give him a nice pat on his snout.

"Good, boy."

He grunts and closes his eyes in return. I look up to see Aang sitting at Appa's reins, head down in defeat. I airlift myself up to him.

"Hey, buddy," I say softly as I place my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, hey... Um, Kimi, I'm sorry this is happening. If I never got stuck in that iceberg, this wouldn't be happening, and you'd be with your family right now instead of risking your life going to prison."

"Yes, but I wouldn't have met you, or Sokka, Katara, or Toph, or even uncle. It's true that before I met Zuko, I had no one, and it seemed like every time I'd meet someone new, the Fire Nation would take them away from me, but meeting you guys is the best thing that's happened to me in a long long time, and I'd do it all over again if it means having you all in my life."

He sniffs a little. "Thanks, Kimi. I'm glad you're in my life, too. It feels nice knowing I'm not the only airbender this world has. I knew there was something different about you the day we met."

"Before I leave, do me a favor?" I ask.


"Next time you see Zuko, give him a nice kick in the nuts for me."


A\N Didn't see that coming, did ya? Y'all probably wanna punch me in the face right now for all these plot twists, huh?

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now