City Of Walls and Secrets- Jet

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Word count: 764

"I think you're due for a raise."

'Yes, please,' I think to myself.

"I'm tired of waiting, these two and the girl are firebenders! I saw him heating his tea!"

Oh no. Please let this be an awful dream.

"They work in a tea shop."

How did things escalate so fast? Today started out normal. We just started the nightshift of our new job. As you know, uncle got us jobs in a tea shop. Are we surprised really? If I'm being honest, it's really not that bad. It's a calm environment, which is appreciated since we just went through the craziest few months of our lives, and uncle's tea is delicious. 

I was busy in the kitchen preparing more beverages when I heard a bunch of commotion outside. I run out to see Zuko in a fighting stance with two huge swords grasped in his hands, and.. Oh no, it's Jet. He must've noticed uncle heating up his tea in the train station! I guess Zuko was right. We do need to be more careful. If people were to find out that not only are we Fire Nation, but uncle and Zuko are members of the royal family, we'd be in big trouble. We'd be chased out of the city and arrested by Azula!

"What's going on?!" I shout.

"This boy says you 3 are firebenders," my boss answers.

Oh crap.

"Firebenders? That's crazy," I play it off. "We're not even from the Fire Nation."

I mean, it wasn't a total lie, I'm not a firebender- ok, maybe it was mostly a lie. I hate lying, but lately, that's all I've been doing. I'm hiding the biggest secret of my life, I lied about why Patyn gave me this scar, and now I'm lying about not being Fire Nation. I may have fleed, and I may be an airbender, but I'm just as much Fire Nation as Zuko and uncle.

"I know," my boss says while running towards the commotion.

Ugh, one day! Can't we just go one day without violence?

The fight's at a stand still. I can't have Zuko getting in trouble. If we're found out, we won't just be kicked out of the city, I fear. It's something about this place that makes me feel uneasy, and I don't trust the Dai Li at all. Everywhere you go they're there staring at you. It's like they're reading your mind. With the Dai Li looking over your shoulder, plus being caged in by this wall, it makes me feel uneasy. I was so excited to come here, now... I just don't know.

"Come on, Jet. Put the swords down," I try to level with him. "You're paranoid. No one here is a firebender."

He looks exhausted, like this has been driving him crazy. He looks at me for a swift second, and then slashes his swords at my legs. I was ready for the pain, but it never happened. Uncle wrapped his hand around my arm and pulled me into him quickly, just seconds before the swords could make contact with my limbs. I let out a breath and quickly thank uncle with a hug. The Dai Li agents suddenly appear and try to take a hold of Jet, but he slashes his swords towards the armed men.

Wrong move.

He falls to his knees, and just as fast as it started, it ends just as quickly. Though he shouldn't have tried to attack us, Jet was still right. Uncle and Zuko are firebenders, we are Fire Nation. I should be relieved that they stopped him, but really, I'm afraid of what they'll do to him.

"Hey, where are you taking him?" I ask the man.

"Just go back home, little girl. We'll take care of him, he'll be released in a few days," one of the Dai Li agents says to me.

Jet looks at me. His eyes glisten as they beg me for help. But what can I do? It's not like I can fight the Dai Li.

"No, everything is fine," I tell the man. "No one got hurt, so just let him go!"

"Coco," Zuko calls me and grabs my arm and starts pulling me back, but I snatch it back and walk away quickly.

"Coco!" Zuko yells after me again.

How can he of all people just let them do that? He could've had my back out there! Zuko was there when my brother told us about the Dai Li, there's no way he can just trust them. They're going to kill Jet!


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